Articles - Street Campaigns

Catholics harassed by pro-LGBT activists while praying Rosary outside ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ show
Street Campaigns

Catholics harassed by pro-LGBT activists while praying Rosary outside ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ show

4 December 2023

(LifeSiteNews) — Faithful Catholics from across West Michigan braved frigid temperatures and hostile...

"I don't see many People standing here in the Rain"

"I don't see many People standing here in the Rain"

20 November 2023

TFP Student Action Europe volunteers braved an autumn shower on the campus of the Vrije Universiteit in...

“Kill it if you Hate it”
Street Campaigns

“Kill it if you Hate it”

18 November 2023

Our volunteers are constantly mobilized to defend moral values. Once again, they were in the center of...

Hundreds march in Saarbrücken against the Sin of abortion!

Hundreds march in Saarbrücken against the Sin of abortion!

13 November 2023

Rowdy Socialists vs. Catholic Crusaders Face-Off at GW Campus
Socialism & Communism

Rowdy Socialists vs. Catholic Crusaders Face-Off at GW Campus

3 November 2023

"The worst Thing that's happened in the last two Years is Roe v. Wade"

"The worst Thing that's happened in the last two Years is Roe v. Wade"

2 November 2023

Every year, over a million babies were aborted in the US. In short, the most fundamental right, that of...

"VU Amsterdam is known for its Diversity"

"VU Amsterdam is known for its Diversity"

11 October 2023

Volunteers from TFP Student Action Europe campaign against the sin of abortion at the Vrije Universiteit...

Pray and Act against the Sin of Abortion

Pray and Act against the Sin of Abortion

10 October 2023

Volunteers from the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation stood firm to publicly defend the rights of...

Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

3 October 2023

Volunteers from TFP Student Action Europe campaign for the protection of unborn life at the University of...

Join us: Public Rosary against pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne
Street Campaigns

Join us: Public Rosary against pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne

18 September 2023

Invited by Fr. Wolfgang Rothe - an outspoken supporter of homosexual sin - pro-LGBT groups from all over...

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