Call to Chivalry Camps
Heroism and Christian Ideal in the XXIst Century!

« Youth was not made for pleasure, but for heroism » French writer Paul Claudel. The TFP Student Action - Europe is convinced in the veracity of this statement and seeks to provide young men from across Europe and beyond an outlet to develop their Christian formation.
Our youth program will encourage participants to not only enjoy themselves in a safe and sound Catholic environment, but also to learn about the roots and history of our Christian Civilisation, and most importantly, to deepen their spiritual life, particularly through the reception of the Sacraments and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Rosary.
Additionally, the participants will be able to take part in a variety of traditional camp activities which include archery, canoeing, and also games unique to the Call to Chivalry camps. The event will conclude with an elaborate “Medieaval Banquet”.
In our days, when every young Catholic is forced by the cultural environment to choose between Christian Faith and the decadent values or our neo-pagan world, they must be prepared to make the right decision.
What is the camp like?
The camp is designed to invigorate mind, body and spirit. Favourite games will include shield ball, “prison break,” French football, and treasure hunt. In addition to campfires, stories, talks, and theatrical skits, there will be a medieval sword demonstration, not to mention the final Medieval Games and Banquet.
As you may know, our camp aims to instill self-discipline, reinforce parental authority, educate youth on the perennial truths of the Catholic Church, and urge them to be positive elements in bringing the Reign of Christ and His Blessed Mother to society. To achieve these noble goals, we strive to maintain the highest standard of conduct and virtue at our camps.
Why Chivalry?
Chivalry is a whole ensemble of virtues including purity, honesty, justice, and love of the Church. At our summer camps, we try to instill in the participants these virtues through talks, beautiful surroundings, and games animated with pageantry. By telling the stories of Catholic heroes such as St. Louis IX, Don Pelayo and others, we present true role models for boys to follow. Games are often punctuated by invocations to the saints, reminding everyone that we are always in the presence of God.
Next edition:
Place: Co Waterford (Ireland)
Date: Arrival day is July 8th and departure day is July 17th.
Participants: young people from 12 to 18 years old.
Language: English
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