Some of our victories!

Some of our victories!

TFP Student Action is part of a vast international network dedicated to defending Tradition, Family, and Private Property. Through God’s grace—first and foremost—and the unwavering efforts of our volunteers, supporters, and donors, we have achieved numerous victories for the cause of Christendom.

These successes, outlined below, serve as a testament to the great things that can be accomplished when men cooperate with divine grace.

The organization and coordination fostered by TFP and its affiliated associations have profoundly transformed the landscape of the fight for moral values, both in Europe and beyond.

Here are a few noteworthy examples:

June 2024

Quotes from reports published by scholars, researchers, and think tanks—often aligned with the Left—regarding the work of TFP and its sister associations. The views expressed in these excerpts are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of TFP.

"The consequences of the [European] elections should start to unfold in the coming months because it is not yet certain how the populist-right parties in the EU will work together.....What is certain is: that this bloc is big enough to adjust the course of Europe."

"This works because the ultra-conservative think tanks and NGOs on sexual reproductive health and rights are as well organized as I am. That means they coordinate transnationally and they also meet internationally to strategise. In every country, there was an anti-abortion organization, but they were not very effective. About 10 years ago, there was a transformation that suddenly made them much more professional. Suddenly they actually understood how policy worked, and could also undermine my reports. That goes beyond the old socio-religious conservatism.'" -- Neill Datta*

Read more:

*The French-British scholar Neil Datta. He is not an objective researcher but, as a lobbyist, an outright exponent of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). With the support of that notorious global abortion organization, he founded the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) in 2000. Read more: https://tfpstudentactioneurope...

Significant influence on Dutch politics - The TFP as a key player in the fight for Moral Values in the Netherlands

June 2024

Quotes from reports published by scholars, researchers, and think tanks—often aligned with the Left—regarding the work of TFP and its sister associations. The views expressed in these excerpts are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of TFP.

"Civitas Christiana (Dutch TFP) has, through targeted lobbying activities, strategic collaborations with political parties, and effective campaigns, managed to exert a significant influence on Dutch politics. Key figures such as Hugo Bos, Paul von Oldenburg, Thierry Baudet, and Kees van der Staaij have played a key role in this. Cooperation with other conservative groups and support from media platforms have further strengthened this influence. Through their continuous commitment and strategic approach, they remain an important player in the political landscape of the Netherlands."

Read more:

After 10 years of campaigning, Zwarte Piet tradition saved by Dutch TFP action

February 2024

Quotes from reports published by scholars, researchers, and think tanks—often aligned with the Left—regarding the work of TFP and its sister associations. The views expressed in these excerpts are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of TFP.

"The organisation behind the Kick Out Zwarte Piet movement, which campaigns against racist stereotyping during the Sinterklaas festivities, is closing down on December 5, 2025.

"The organisation Nederland Wordt Beter will hold a rally on March 9 in Amsterdam “for a last push to achieve our aims” but will stop for good in 18 months time".

"Frontman Jerry Afriyie, who founded the group in 2010, said the plan was always to stop in 2025. “People who preceeded us in the fight against racism without a deadline burned out,” he said. Read more:
"One of the driving forces behind this theory is Civitas Christiana. This Christian-conservative organization, which also speaks out during anti-abortion protests, brought the petition "Save Black Pete!" to the attention of 1.6 million people in 2015 through advertisements in national magazines. The petition was directed against then-mayor of Amsterdam Eberhard van der Laan, who wanted to rid Black Pete of "negroid stereotyping. The petition begged Van der Laan not to listen to a "small group of troublemakers. Nearly 200,000 people signed the appeal." Read more:

Saint Mary's College Reverses Pro-Transgender Policy

December 2023

Saint Mary’s College backtracked on its decision to allow men who “identify” as women to enroll at its all-girls Catholic campus. Over 21,500 people signed TFP Student Action’s petition, urging the college to uphold Catholic morality. Responding to the outcry of faithful Catholics, president Dr. Katie Conboy issued an apology on Dec. 21, 2023.

Read more: Victory: All-Girls Catholic College Reverses Pro-Transgender Policy

TFP as a key part of the worldwide network of associations for Moral Values and Christian Civilization

December 2023

Quotes from reports published by scholars, researchers, and think tanks—often aligned with the Left—regarding the work of TFP and its sister associations. The views expressed in these excerpts are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of TFP.

"More recent research (Cowan 2021) shows that, from a global perspective, Brazilian "liberation theology" and its ecumenical orientation on the one hand and the reforms of Vatican II on the other became the trigger for a militant counter-movement, initially in Brazil itself. Representatives of this movement formed an alliance with the Brazilian dictatorship (1964 - 85), which persecuted the progressive Catholic and Protestant movements, and at the same time formed a collective movement with US-American Evangelical fundamentalist spokespeople. The result was the Sociedade Brasileira de Defesa da Tradição, Família e Propriedade,61 an organization that internationalized in various stages and, as the TFP, now forms the basis of today's worldwide fundamentalist networks.

[...] However, large associations such as Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) have shown that the organizational and economic professionalization of personnel (2), who are involved in the establishment and expansion of local and regional small and mission groups and the acquisition of financial resources can lead to almost self-sufficient financial structures".


"From its French headquarters, TFP bought a building in Brussels in 2008 and opened a representation at the European Union under the name Fédération Pro-europa Christiana (FPEC) and in 2011 its own academy at the headquarters in Lorraine, the Institut Européen de Sciences Sociales (IESS). The TFP network continued to develop its infrastructure in Austria, Germany and Italy."

[...] "The TFP organizations are named as key players in the "anti-gender" campaigns of recent years in Europe (see Paternotte & Kuhar 2017)".

Read more:

Pride Mass Canceled at Duquesne University

June 2023

A blasphemous “Pride Mass” was scheduled on the Feast of Corpus Christi at Duquesne University’s Holy Spirit Chapel. Faithful Catholics, including TFP Student Action members, protested the sacrilege planned on campus. As a result, the event was canceled.

Read more: STOP Pro-Homosexual “Pride Mass” at Duquesne

College of Saint Rose Deletes Planned Parenthood

April 2022

The college featured Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood online under “social justice & advocacy.” The pro-abortion listing, however, was pulled after TFP Student Action launched a protest, which quickly garnered more than 23,800 signatures.

“Planned Parenthood killed 354,871 babies in the last fiscal year,” reads the petition addressed to the college president. “Not only does the mega abortion provider rob the innocent lives of countless preborn babies, but it also unleashes spiritual harm on those involved.”

The TFP petition continues, “Catholic colleges should never point students to Planned Parenthood or any organization that tramples the law of God.”

Read more: Victory! College of Saint Rose Deletes Planned Parenthood

University of San Diego removes Planned Parenthood Listing

November 2020

The Catholic University of San Diego removed its entry for Planned Parenthood shortly after the TFP petition went live. The successful TFP Student Action petition was signed by 15,445 people.

Read more: Catholic University Pulls Planned Parenthood 'Resource'

The growing influence of ultra-conservative networks on politics and society in Central and Eastern Europe

November 2020

Quotes from reports published by scholars, researchers, and think tanks—often aligned with the Left—regarding the work of TFP and its sister associations. The views expressed in these excerpts are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of TFP.

"International networks of ultra-conservative organizations are eroding liberal values in Central and Eastern Europe. They strive to alter laws and impose their agenda
on public debate. In countries like Poland, they have expanded their political influence and changed society".

Read more: https://www.investigativejourn...

Saint Mary's College Pulls Pro-Abortion Links

April 2020

After TFP Student Action launched its peaceful pro-life petition, Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, California, finally removed several pro-abortion groups featured on its website. When good men act, evil forces retreat.

Read more: Saint Mary’s College Pulls Pro-Abortion Links. Your Petition Worked.

Pro-Abortion "Papaya Workshop" Kicked Off Oldest Catholic Campus

January 2020

A "Papaya Workshop" that teaches students how to perform Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortions was scheduled at Georgetown on January 22, 2020.

TFP sounded the alarm. On January 20, TFP Student Action launched a last-minute petition asking Georgetown president Dr. John DeGioia to stop the pro-abortion event from taking place on the oldest Catholic university in America. In two days, nearly 19,000 signatures accumulated. Faithful Catholics wrote and called.

Outcome: The "Papaya Workshop" was moved off campus.

Catholic College Removes Planned Parenthood After TFP Petition Goes Live

November 2019

TFP Student Action launched a petition urging Edgewood College, a Catholic institution run by Dominican sisters, to remove Planned Parenthood from their website under “Off-Campus Wellness Resources.” A few days and 15,231 petitions later, Planned Parenthood was finally removed. More on this victory here.

Georgetown Deletes Anti-Family Web Page

July 2018

After TFP Student Action launched a protest petition, Georgetown University disabled a web page that encouraged students to donate time and money to mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood and other organizations that defy God's law by promoting abortion and same-sex "marriage."

Blasphemous "Art" Removed from College Exhibit

April 2018

In a public art exhibit, Carroll Community College featured a satanic-looking image mocking the Resurrection of Our Lord, portraying a risen Christ with the head of an alien.

After TFP Student Action volunteers went to campus to express their protest in person, the blasphemous insult to Our Lord Jesus Christ was removed.

Loyola Pulls Pro-Abortion Internship

April 2017

The entry for the National Organization for Women (NOW), a radical pro-abortion group, has been removed from Loyola University Maryland's web site where it was featured by the Career Center.

More than 10,000 pro-lifers joined TFP Student Action in this successful effort.

Blasphemous theater goes bankrupt

May 2017

A campaign was organized in São Paulo, Brazil against the blasphemous play Jesus Christ Superstar. We campaigned in front of the theater and online for several weeks. The theater production was so unsuccessful that the company gave up on a second play they had in mind. In addition, the Jesus Christ Superstar tour scheduled for 50 cities in the United States was canceled. According to the journalist of the largest Brazilian newspaper, this was due to the action of the TFP (Folha de S. Paulo 27/6/14).

"Church" of Lucifer CLOSED

February 2017

The outcome of the protest was unknown when Catholics gathered to oppose the opening of a "Church" of Lucifer in Old Town Spring, Texas. This prayer protest was held in 2015. Today, two years later, the prayers of so many believers were answered.

See: Victory: “Church” of Lucifer CLOSED Down.

Pro-Life Victory at Georgetown University

January 2017

More than 14,800 Americans signed their name to a TFP Student Action petition, urging Georgetown University -- a Catholic institution -- not to recognize a pro-abortion club, Medical Students for Choice, featured on the university's web site.

Victory: Medical Students for Choice is no longer listed as a club at Georgetown University.

Boston College Scrubs Planned Parenthood Internship Entry

October 2016

Victory for the unborn: TFP Student Action's petition to remove Planned Parenthood from the Jesuit institution's web site worked. Boston College Deletes Planned Parenthood from List of Internships.

Victory: DePaul University Deletes Planned Parenthood "Career" Links

September 2015

Hours after TFP Student Action launched its petition, which garnered thousands of signatures, a swift reaction from DePaul followed: the Planned Parenthood volunteer "opportunity" was removed from the web page where it had been listed under "Volunteering, Shadowing, and Leadership Opportunities." Later in the day, pro-life supporters informed TFP Student Action that the second link to Planned Parenthood featured on the "Career Center" web page was also deleted.Result: Another victory for the unborn.

TFP Organizes Massive Stand for Marriage: 3,258 Public Rallies

June 2015

On June 13, something absolutely extraordinary took place across America: 3,258 rallies for God's marriage in highly public places. Faithful everywhere prayed for the future of God’s marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Your Pro-Life Petition Was Successful

June 2015

PeaceHealth -- a Catholic healthcare system -- pulled its online abortion referrals to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion entries after 11,785 TFP Student Action supporters complained to them about it.

Now -- instead of telling visitors to contact Planned Parenthood -- PeaceHealth's web site states: "PeaceHealth recently learned that some of the information provided did not reflect PeaceHealth’s Mission. We are in the process of updating the material to reflect our values. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

That's a victory for the unborn.

Planned Parenthood DELETED

December 2014

Victory: The Catholic University of St. Thomas was offering volunteer/internship "opportunities" with Planned Parenthood and other radical pro-abortion groups. Hours after TFP Student Action lauched its online protest, the university scrubbed their web site, removing Planned Parenthoood and other pro-abortion groups. Read more here.

Satanic Black Mass Canceled at Harvard University

May 2014

Victory: What few people thought even remotely possible happened: The "satanic black mass" at Harvard University was unexpectedly canceled on May 12. A grave sacrilege was averted. Lucifer lost. God won. TFP Student Action was on the front lines with other Catholic Harvard students opposing this attack against God. Read more here.

New Record: 11,247 Public Square Rosary Rallies

October, 2013

Victory: Surpasing all expectations and exceeding a goal of 10,000 Rosary Rallies for 2013, TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign coordinated an impressive 11,247 prayerful Public Square Rosary Rallies for America. See the report here.

Blasphemy halted on Broadway

May, 2013

TFP lead multiple protests in New York City against the blasphemous play, The Testament of Mary. Over 300 protested on opening night, April 22.

Victory: The show closed weeks later, one month earlier than announced, due to poor ticket sales. The American public is fed up with blasphemy. A video of the protest is posted here.

Record: 9,077 Public Square Rosary Rallies Held

October, 2012

October 13, 2012 was the sixth anniversary of the Public Square Rosary Crusade. This year the goal for the number of rallies was 8,000. However, beyond all expectations, 9,077 rallies were held across America and in over 30 other countries.

Victory: As human solutions fail to solve America's pressing crisis, hundreds of thousands turn out to pray for true solutions.

Pro-Abortion Speaker Canceled at Siena College

November, 2011

Catholic Siena College in upstate New York invited anti-Catholic, pro-abortion speaker Widney Brown to talk on campus.

Victory: The talk was nixed less than 12-hours after TFP Student Action launched its online protest. In a few hours, over 3,000 emails and personal phone calls were logged, respectfully urging the president of Siena College, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., to reconsider the event. More...

Boy Vindicated After Wrongful Suspension

October, 2011

The Fort Worth Independent School District issued a letter to Liberty Counsel fully vindicating high school freshman Dakota Ary, who was suspended for opposing homosexuality. The District’s letter apologized and stated that “Dakota has the right to express an opinion in a manner consistent with law and policy.”

Victory: Shortly after the incident, TFP Student Action launched a petition urging Western Hills High School to completely clear Dakota Ary’s record. Very soon, over 7,500 people contacted the school with their protest and concern. The petition played a role in clearing the boy's record.

Finally, Notre Dame Drops Charges Against Pro-Lifers

May, 2011

Indiana prosecutor Michael Dvorak dismissed the criminal trespass charges against the “ND88,” the faithful pro-lifers who were arrested for peacefully praying on campus when the university bestowed honors on pro-abortion President Obama in 2009.

Victory: The Thomas More Society played a central role in achieving this victory. TFP Student Action members participated by sending over 20,000 protest emails to Fr. John Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, urging him to drop the unjust charges.

Planned Parenthood Speaker Canceled

February, 2011

Madonna University invited pro-abortion speaker Christine Gannon to teach a workshop on sexual issues.

Victory: The event was canceled after good pro-life students on campus and TFP Student Action spoke up. The online brochure announcing the February 26 event was also removed.

Planned Parenthood Link Vanishes at Boston College

November, 2010

Boston College Law School – a Catholic institution – listed the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts on its web site under "pro bono organizations." The college's web site encouraged Catholic law students to "make the time available to contribute to their work in a meaningful way." To stop the scandal, TFP Student Action launched a peaceful protest.

Victory: After a full month of letter writing, phone calls and emails, the Planned Parenthood entry finally vanished.

Professor at the University of Illinois Reinstated

July, 2010

Dr. Kenneth Howell, a professor at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, was stripped of his teaching duties and accused by an anonymous student of "hate speech" when he voiced his agreement to the Catholic Church's teachings on homosexuality in his class, "Introduction to Catholicism." Students were outraged. More than 8,800 students signed a petition to reinstate Dr. Howell.

Victory: On July 29, the University of Illinois confirmed to the Alliance Defense Fund, which was representing Dr. Howell, that he would be given his teaching position back.

Jesuit University Deletes Two Abortion Links

April, 2010

The Catholic University of Detroit Mercy featured web site links to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups. In response to this scandal, TFP Student Action mobilized 11,500 students and parents who prayed and took peaceful action.

Victory: After initially refusing to remove the links, the university finally deleted links to abortion provider Planned Parenthood that were listed on its web site.

Blasphemy Defeated at Tarleton State U

March, 2010

Corpus Christi is a blasphemous play that portrays Our Lord and the Apostles as homosexuals. Therefore, when Tarleton State University announced it would host the play, TFP Student Action launched a peaceful protest. Thousands of students joined. "Staggering" is how one press report described the amount of protest emails and phone calls the university received. The Lieutenant Governor of Texas, David Dewhurst, also condemned the play.

Victory: The lewd play was canceled. On March 26, Tarleton State University confirmed the cancellation, adding that the offensive play would not be rescheduled.

Catholic College Deletes Abortion Link

February, 2010

Rosemont College – a Catholic institution – had listed Planned Parenthood on its web site under "career paths and opportunities." TFP Student Action members politely urged the president of Rosemont College, Dr. Sharon Latchaw Hirsh, to remove the abortion link.

Victory: The link to Planned Parenthood was pulled less than 24-hours after the TFP begun its online protest. Thank you, Rosemont College.

No More "Queer Film Festivals" at Notre Dame

February, 2009

Starting in 2004, homosexual activists had been allowed to hold a yearly "Queer Film Festival" at the University of Notre Dame. One such event featured Terrence McNally, author of the blasphemous production "Corpus Christi" which portrays Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles as homosexuals.

Reacting to the scandal, TFP Student Action lead multiple petitions of protest addressed to Fr. John I. Jenkins, CSC, politely requesting that he cancel events that promote homosexual vice. As a result, thousands of letters and emails poured into the administrative offices of Notre Dame.

Victory: According to an article published in The Observer on February 16, 2009, "not only will there be no gay film festival this year [at the University of Notre Dame], it's probably kaput for good."

Eucharist Desecration Videos Pulled From YouTube

November, 2008

A young man posted 55 videos on YouTube that showed him going into a church, receiving the Consecrated Host on the tongue, removing it and stepping on it, burning it, piercing it with a staple gun, smoking it, and even nailing it to a stick. Although the videos seemed to violate YouTube’s posting policies forbidding videos that are offensive or incite hatred, YouTube did nothing to remove them.

The TFP immediately contacted 227,000 Catholics in the United States, coordinating a holy crusade against these sacrilegious videos. Consequently, 54,619 people protested to YouTube, including Catholics from abroad. More importantly, two thousand people offered a holy hour of reparation in front of the Blessed Sacrament

Victory: The massive protest achieved results: the man removed his 55 videos!

Soon after, however, another blasphemer posted more videos of Eucharist desecrations on YouTube. Again the TFP protested and after a few weeks of intense campaign, YouTube removed his user and his videos vanished. The blasphemer did not give up but reposted the hateful videos under a new user name.

Victory: Within a few days, YouTube pulled the videos and deleted his new user name.

Traditional Marriage Wins in Three States

September-October, 2008

Joining the efforts of other pro-family organizations, TFP Student Action volunteers traveled up and down California, Arizona and Florida promoting God’s marriage. Despite being assaulted ten times by pro-homosexual advocates, TFP members’ determination did not flag. From campus to campus, city to city, the 37-day tour included stops at Berkeley and Hollywood. Thousands of traditional marriage fliers were distributed explaining why homosexual “marriage” is harmful to society and must be opposed.

Victory: Overcoming incredible obstacles, pro-family Americans in California, Arizona and Florida successfully voted to protect traditional marriage on November 4.

Public Square Rosary Rallies Expand to 3,500

October, 2008

“As human efforts fail to solve America’s key problems, we turn to God, through His Holy Mother, asking His urgent help.” Thus read the banners displayed by Catholics nationwide at 3,500 rosary rally locations. Coordinated by the TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign, the event drew an estimated 100,000 faithful to the streets.

Victory: In a secular climate, 100,000 proudly proclaimed their faith in the public square and fervently prayed for the conversion of America. God will not ignore these prayers.

Blasphemy Defeated on Campus

September, 2006

The University of Virginia’s student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, printed two blasphemous cartoons against the Catholic Faith and publicly stated they would “not be apologizing for the comics.” TFP Student Action responded with a peaceful protest.

Victory: After nine days of protest, on September 15, the offensive cartoons were removed from the newspaper’s online edition and apologies were issued by the editors and its author.

2,092 Prayer Vigils Against The Da Vinci Code

May, 2006

The Da Vinci Code movie attacked the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church and its teachings. Although the overwhelming media hype surrounding the film made any reaction seem impossible, the TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign launched prayer vigils, mustering 2,092 nationwide rallies right in front of movie theaters. Over 103,402 Americans also signed a petition to Sony Pictures against the blasphemous production.

Victory: God’s honor was publicly defended on a massive scale. As a result, large sectors of American public opinion rejected the movie.

eBay changes its policies

April, 2005

Catholics were alarmed when a consecrated host appeared for sale on eBay. The host was allegedly consecrated by Pope John Paul II during a papal Mass in 1998. After eBay refused to remove the objectionable item, the TFP asked its subscribers to sign an online protest calling on eBay to remove the sacrilegious auction and change its policies. Although eBay refused to cooperate, the TFP organized two more waves of online protest, prompting customers to cancel their eBay accounts.

Victory: eBay eventually removed the sale and agreed to change its policies.

Blasphemy against Our Lady of Guadalupe Cut Short

June, 2001

The Santa Fe Museum of International Folk Art in New Mexico displayed an offensive “art” exhibit portraying Our Lady of Guadalupe in a bikini. The TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign organized a large rally of reparation in front of the museum and Catholics turned out in great numbers. The TFP received letters of support from Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico City, Bishop Thomas Doran of Rockford (Ill.), Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Mother Angelica of EWTN, Congressman John Hostettler of Indiana, and Joseph Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, among others.

The protest sent chills through the American Association of Museums (AAM). At their 96th Annual Meeting in Dallas on May 12-16, 2002, where 5,000 museum professionals gathered, journalist Hollis Walker addressed the convention, making reference to the controversy: “Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You're just going to survive. Those are the facts. It's not pretty, but those are the facts.”

Victory: Due to public pressure and peaceful protest, the museum closed the offensive exhibit on October 28, ahead of its scheduled closing time.

TFP in the Guinness Book of Records

June-October, 1990

The Soviet Union refused to recognize Lithuania's declaration to restore independence, signed on March 11, 1990. When Lithuania called for help, Western leaders cared little. Nevertheless, the U.S. TFP, along with other TFP's, collected 5,212,580 signatures for Lithuania's independence, a feat that was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 1993 as the largest petition action in history. A delegation from the TFP presented the petitions to President Vytautas Landsbergis and met with the Lithuanian Parliament. This event strengthened Lithuania's resolve to fight on. A copy of the petitions was then personally delivered to Gorbachev's office in the Kremlin.

Victory: The TFP petition campaign for worldwide moral support helped Lithuania break free from communist occupation.

Denouncing French socialism

December, 1981

In 1981, socialists under French President Francois Mitterand hoped to conquer the world with a new political program: self-directed socialism. The TFP responded with a six-page exposé by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, which showed how socialism was reshaping communism. The TFP publication appeared in The Washington Post, titled, "What Does Self-Managing Socialism Mean for Communism: A Barrier? Or a Bridgehead?" It was published in 45 leading newspapers in 19 countries and a summary appeared in 49 other countries.

Victory: A global debate ensued. Like deflated balloons, the socialist leaders lost momentum. Mitterrand backed down. And French socialist economist Laurent Joffrin admitted, "what was socialist did not work and what worked was not socialist."
More recently, the British leftist Denis MacShane added, "The European left would rather keep Mitterrand locked up in the iron coffin of socialist leaders we'd rather not talk about."

Learn more about TFP Student Action Europe

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