Street Campaigns

“In times of great crisis there are two types of men: those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change the course of history.”
Whenever necessary, the TFP Student Action Europe launches another Street Campaign. The objective is the direct contact with the population, in order to alert them about the tricks of the pro-abortion and pro-homosexual agenda organized movements, which try to impose their ideologies and their unnatural practices through the press, law bills and judiciary decisions.
This innovative method of public action was idealized by Plinio Correa de Oliveira, the founder of the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property (today called Instituto Plinio Correa de Oliveira) and as a method of engaging the public on important religious and social issues is now used by Catholic groups all over the world.
Taking majestic red standards emblazoned with a golden lion, symbolising Our Lord, into the central square of any town, our young volunteers can be seen meeting the man on the street. In times when the mass media can be so hard to get on to, the street campaign is a perfect way reach public opinion without having to rely on the major means of communication.
Accompanied with music and pausing for public rosaries our street campaigns create an energetic yet prayerful ambience. This is an essential expression of our Catholic Faith, namely Catholic Action.
Learn more about TFP Student Action Europe