Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Den Bosch: ‘Madam, you are tearing a Baby in half’

We have stood up for the unborn child in countless cities across the Netherlands and beyond, with many wonderful encounters to remember.

Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Den Bosch: ‘Madam, you are tearing a Baby in half’

For the conclusion of our series of pro-life street campaigns across the Netherlands, we decided to go to Den Bosch. Our last manifestation for the unborn child of this series went as planned, but soon faced some obstacles.


On arrival in the Brabant capital, we spoke to the supervisors and security guards of the national rail services. Everything was supposed to go as planned, but one of the security guards had missed the purpose of the demonstration. When he heard that it was an action against abortion, he started arguing with us. He claimed that sometimes abortion is necessary, for instance after rape, or to save the woman's life.

Sign the PETITION: After the US now in Europe - Pray and fight to stop the sin of abortion!

Discussions among Security Guards

The volunteer reminded the security guard of his professional role. ‘It is not wise to argue with security forces,’ he said. He asked for neutrality from the man, who fell silent for a moment. Nevertheless, the security guards later talked among themselves on the subject. They too could not escape the painful debate on abortion.

‘Leave those Women alone!’

While we were handing out flyers, a demonstration of ‘grandparents for climate’ passed by. When they heard we were demonstrating against abortion, an elderly man reacted vehemently: ‘Surely do some good for the world and leave those women alone,’ he shouted. Then we asked him a sharp question: ‘Isn't it hypocritical to fight for a liveable earth but support abortion? Why save the earth if we kill the children?’ This silenced the man.

Read also: In The Hague, pro-abortionists show their true agenda.

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‘Madam, you are tearing a Baby in half’

Not everyone was against us. One passer-by smiled broadly, took a deep bow and gave the thumbs up. Such moments show that we are not alone. There are people who do want to protect the unborn child. Yet there was also resistance. A woman in her thirties or so was given a flyer. When she later read the title, she ran to one of our volunteers, tore through the flyer and laughed at him. One of our volunteers immediately responded, ‘You are tearing the baby in half! That's exactly what abortion does!’ The woman angrily walked away, still shouting swear words after. The harsh reality of abortion remains confronting.

Beautiful Ending

We handed out a lot of flyers in Den Bosch. Many people showed interest and were willing to talk. That was different a few years ago. We see the tide turning. Our fight against abortion therefore continues with renewed vigour. Awareness is growing, and more and more people are open to the truth about the unborn child.
