Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Amersfoort: ‘Thank you so much for what you are doing, I admire it!’

TFP Student Action Europe pro-lifers campaign against abortion in the heart of Amersfoort, Netherlands.

Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Amersfoort: ‘Thank you so much for what you are doing, I admire it!’

On a sunny morning in Amersfoort, a group of pro-life activists from TFP Student Action Europe stood in front of the central railway station handing out flyers. They also entered into conversation with passers-by about protecting unborn children. Despite the crowds and sometimes heated discussions, they received remarkably positive responses.

Read also: Donald Trump deletes Abortion Ban from Party Platform

Sensitive Questions, Respectful Answers

Discussions about abortion often raise sensitive questions. On three occasions, we were asked what should happen in the case of rape. We calmly and respectfully explained the value of every human life, which led to understanding among the interlocutors. It is always great when something like this happens. It also happens regularly that we get very different reactions. One elderly woman, very committed to our message, even shared her own painful story. She told us that she had previously been pressured to have an abortion, but had decided not to. While she understood women in difficult situations, she stressed that abortion should never be the solution.

Heated Discussions and a Surprising Twist

Not every encounter was so peaceful. One of us got into a spirited debate with two women and a student. One of the women was clearly in favour of abortion from the start, expressing her position with sharp one-liners: ‘Women should have absolute freedom over their bodies’ and ‘Why do you, as a man, think you can decide on women?’ Despite her fierce stance, the student surprised everyone by saying in the middle of the conversation, ‘He has a good point there too, now I do want a flyer from you!’ This caused the angry woman to leave, while the student continued talking about the differences between big cities like Amersfoort and the conservative village where he lived.

A Call to Future Security Guards

A group of security guards-in-training passed by. We enthusiastically addressed them too: ‘Like you, we also have a duty to protect, the unborn and the weak! Stand up for unborn children threatened by abortion!’ This call drew mixed reactions. Some laughed it off, but others gave thumbs up or verbally positive responses.

Brightening Insight for a Young Man

We had another special conversation with a young man who asked about the issue of rape. After we explained why the perpetrator should be punished and the unborn child protected, the penny seemed to drop with him. ‘So the unborn child is a victim, who should not receive the death penalty!’ This insight led to a valuable dialogue on justice and protection. It is still nice to see when someone finds our pro-life position convincing.

Read also: TFP Caravan warns: “With Abortion, Europe will fade Away!”

An interview with a Critical Christian Woman

As we were about to leave, we had a lengthy conversation with a Christian woman. She asked one of us questions as if in an interview while keeping her phone pointed for a recording. She took offence at the tone of our pro-life message which she felt was ‘hurtful’. This conversation highlighted the importance of God's commandments: ‘Those who love God keep His Commandments.’ A security man who heard our talk struggled with faith and abortion within his family. In the end, he was touched by the message that sin hurts God and that we all have a responsibility to uphold His Glory.

Yes! I'm ready to join in!

All for the Glory of God

Looking back, we consider this pro-life action in Amersfoort a success. Not because everyone immediately agreed with us, but because of the many positive reactions and moments of understanding. Above all, we responded to God's command to protect the unborn child. That many people came to new insights and even more listened to our testimony is the encouraging icing on the cake. For that, we are grateful to Him.

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