This is the first time left-wing activists have received opposition on the University of Utrecht campus
We don’t back down for Leftist Bullies
The pro-life cause is gaining more and more momentum in Europe. Little by little, people are reflecting more on the horror of killing a child.
The Netherlands
In the Netherlands, abortion is performed without punishment for up to 12 weeks, when the baby's heart is already beating, arms and legs can already be seen... That is why TFP Student Action Europe is back on the streets and university campuses in the Netherlands.
Debating Students
And there we were, at the University of Utrecht. When the campaign started, the campus was clear, clean, and quite silent. The students looked quite surprised and received the flyer with curiosity. After one hour of campaigning, everything seemed normal. We could convince many people of the immorality of abortion, and how adoption may be a solution, not abortion. We had fascinating civilized debates, which is very important, because it makes people think, instead of just listening to the mainstream media and its slogans.
Read also: TFP Caravan warns: “With Abortion, Europe will fade Away!”
A local abortion activist came up to us and said: 'You are the exact opposite of what my group does on this campus. He then walked away and accidentally wished us 'good luck', then he realized who he was speaking to and took it back. 'No good luck for you!' Later on, this man came back to our pro-life manifestation with a bag full of left-wing material: homosexual flags, street chalk, 'Pride' apparel, and even pamphlets.
Intolerance of the Left
But the degree of civilization started declining, when two men, visibly disturbed, tried to steal our flyers and destroy our cameras. After that, several activists with the LGBT flag showed up. Strangely enough, they complained that we were only men. Well, now biology matters for the Gender movement and language is suddenly back to “binary”. Funny, no?
Well, when the activists came, they started to show what is the real face of the pro-abortion movement. Insults, no arguments. Violence, no more civilized debates. They could not handle the fact that we were debating, even convincing many people. They had to disrupt. At a certain moment, the situation became quite tense, and the police had to intervene. But our volunteers did not back down. See for yourself.
Sign the Petition: After the US now in Europe - Pray and fight to stop the sin of abortion!
Watch and see
The pro-abortion crowd grew and the TFP volunteers began to shout the slogans as loudly as they could. During the event, hundreds of students began to gather and watch the demonstration. Then a local journalist from the university newspaper came and wanted a short interview, so Mr Cornelius Schultze told who we are, our beliefs and goals.
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