Many pro-lifers are pinning their hopes on Trump. The US presidential candidate is taking on Biden - an outspoken abortion advocate. Unfortunately, it appears that his Republican opponent does not offer principled resistance.
Donald Trump deletes Abortion Ban from Party Platform
After the US now in Europe - Pray and fight to stop the Sin of Abortion!
With the election approaching, Republicans led by Donald Trump have announced their plans for the coming years. American pro-lifers saw to their great disappointment that a national abortion ban was missing.
National Abortion Ban
This is the first time in 40 years that a national abortion ban is missing from a Republican election manifesto. Trump wants to continue the current abortion policy. This means that individual states are allowed to make their own abortion laws, without federal interference. This has resulted in total abortion bans, or so-called heartbeat laws, in some states, while leftist states are actually introducing even more radical abortion laws in response.
Roe v. Wade
The current abortion practice was made possible by the abolition of Roe v. Wade. This nationwide "right" to abortion required states to give women access to abortion until recently. Some Trump-appointed members of the US Supreme Court ensured that a majority went along with destroying this 'right' to abortion in June 2022, almost 50 years after its enactment. Conservative Americans rightly celebrated this as the biggest pro-life victory ever.
Read also: Being ‘Pro-Choice’ Is no Longer Enough. You must be Anti-Pro-Life
Is Trump Pro-Life?
When Roe v. Wade was finally abolished, pro-lifers hailed Trump for it. After all, he had appointed the right people to the Supreme Court who are decidedly pro-life, or at least tended in that direction. Yet sadly, it appears that he has no principled objection to abortion. Indeed, Trump favours abortion in cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life is in danger. The latter is a myth, and unborn children should not pay for their father's sins. A strict pro-life law in Arizona also drew criticism from the former president.
Tactical Consideration
The reason for scrapping the traditional Republican abortion ban is therefore not hard to imagine. His priorities, unfortunately, are not to protect the unborn child, but to win elections. From an electoral perspective, he has presumably been advised to adopt a more 'moderate' tone to attract middle voters. Compared to team-Biden's radical abortion plans, he will be more appealing to those in the political middle. Besides, he knows that pro-lifers will vote for him anyway.
Read also: Neil Datta: the Man behind the EU Abortion Lobby
After Joe Biden's implosion, things are looking good for Trump electorally at the moment. The chances of him being sworn in again are higher than ever. Should he actually win, it will be a bittersweet victory for conservative America. No radical abortion activist in the White House, which is a big plus. However, the political debate on abortion has shifted to the left since Trump's arrival. The Democrats have become more radical, the Republicans more 'moderate'. Unfortunately, the chances of Republicans using their intended majority in the House of Representatives and Senate to still pass pro-life laws are slim.
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