Antifas throw a Bucket of Soapy Water over a Mother and Child

The notorious revolutionaries were not ashamed to put a mother and child in danger.

Antifas throw a Bucket of Soapy Water over a Mother and Child

TFP Student Action Europe took to the streets in the German city of Trier to protest against abortion. Several other public demonstrations have been held recently to protect Germany's unborn babies.

‘Pro-Choice’ Side chooses not to argue

Trier is an old Roman city. You will find several radical left-wing groups that try to dominate the public arena of ideas, but these advocates of sexual liberation and mass murder of the unborn, instead of defending their point of view with arguments, prefer to insult, curb other people's opinions and even use violence.

Mother with Pram hit by Antifa

After we began our street campaign with prayer and the proclamation of the three-pronged approach of ‘Tradition, Family, Property’, the pro-life activists spread out across the street to hand out literature condemning abortion. While handing out a manifesto to a family, a bucket of soapy water was suddenly thrown from a balcony, hitting two volunteers and the mother with a pram. Bystanders were stunned by what had just happened.

Also read: Antifas Vandalise our Van and Call for: ‘Attack their Headquarters’

Pushed aside

Some of the people we spoke to told us how they are treated and even ostracised because of their views on abortion and marriage. One man said that sometimes this phenomenon happens even in Catholic circles. He told us that he has heard, with disgust, preaching from the altar in which the Church's doctrine regarding the protection of life as a gift from God is questioned.

‘It's the Sexual Revolution’

A lady wanted to know what was going on. She asked if we were Catholics and why we were doing activism. ‘Yes, we're a group of Catholic students and we want to defend Christian civilisation,’ I replied. She nodded and wanted to know if we also condemned the abuses committed by some members of the Catholic Church. I pointed out to her that the problem is rooted in a departure from traditional morality. She replied: ‘Yes, it's the sexual revolution!’

An Hour and a Half of Disturbing Music

Less than an hour later, another group appeared nearby. The members clearly came from the antifa corner. They were mostly masked and disrupted our prayer. Unable to debate with us, they chose to disrupt our peaceful protest with stereo boxes playing clown music, over and over again, for 1.5 hours. They rounded up some 20 like-minded people. Unlike other encounters with anarchist groups and the like, they chose a new weapon to disrupt our pro-life demonstration: clowning.


Intolerant counter-demonstrators disrupted our pro-life demonstration in Trier.

The ‘Party against God’

At this point, onlookers began to see the clear contrast between our prayerful protest and what we could call ‘the party against God’. Between each secret of the rosary, we proclaimed slogans. We called on people to pray and act against the sin of abortion.

Learn more: Devotion to Our Lady is an Indispensable Condition for the Revolution to be crushed and for the Counter-Revolution to Win

Vain Scare Tactics

The street campaign received a lot of attention from the public. This explains why they tried to thwart us and anyone else who dared to express their opinion with scare tactics. Some of them crawled on the ground and, like children, made signs against us. Most of the signs contained profane content. The German volunteer who led our rosary prayer addressed the passers-by and explained how the pro-abortion supporters had no arguments, made a lot of noise and engaged in various forms of vulgarity.

‘Our god is Satan!’

The passers-by were visibly shocked by the appearance of the pro-abortion antifa. A dancing woman from the antifa shouted: ‘Our god is Satan!’ to which we responded with prayers for atonement for the horrible sins that are being committed.

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A man who received a flyer in the chaos was stunned and said: ‘These people are so foolish! I don't think much about abortion, but I know they are on the wrong side.’ He then went to the police to complain about the use of various stereo boxes that played clown music.


‘Jesus would have been left wing’, an antifa has written on his sign, with satanic symbols underneath.

Contrasts force a Choice

The pro-death movement seems weak, unprepared and a laughing stock to anyone with the slightest bit of common sense. This tragic reality should motivate us to redouble our efforts to defend the unborn child: personally and publicly. It is precisely at those moments when radical contrasts are in conflict with each other that people begin to open up, think and choose a side.

The moral values that built our continent are being attacked by the radical left. But we won't shy away from their opposition. Join us and defend Christian Civilisation! Contact us here.
