At Kutztown, the pro-abortion movement offered pathetic arguments.
Why Are Pro-Abortion Advocates Co-Natural with Satanism?
Why do pro-aborts side with Satan?
On October 26, 2022, fifteen young Catholic volunteers with TFP Student Action held a campaign at Kutztown University to defend the right to life. This campaign marked the third day of a weeklong pro-life tour dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Pro-Aborts Have No Convincing Arguments
On the previous two days of the tour at both George Mason University and Gettysburg College, TFP volunteers met large mobs of aggressive pro-aborts. However, at Kutztown, the pro-abortion movement offered pathetic arguments.
Here’s a sample:
Pro-abort: “It [the baby] is not a life in the womb. It is still developing.”
TFP: “A two-year-old is still developing, yet he is fully human, plus science is very clear that life begins at conception.”
Pro-abort: “Science is retarded.”
TFP: “So you are anti-science?”
Pro-abort: “You’re really good at stumping people.”
The same pro-abort then accused TFP volunteers of being anti-woman. Moments after, a young woman screamed, “I wish I was aborted!”
TFP: “If she was aborted where would she be?”
Pro-abort: “She would be dead.”
TFP: “Are you fine with that?”
Pro-abort: “Yes.”
TFP: “So you are anti-woman because you don’t value her life. You would be totally fine with her being dead.”
Pro-abort: Silence.

“My nephew was killed yesterday because he was aborted.”
The ravages of abortion affect many people. As one feminist screamed insults at TFP volunteers, a young man passing by asked her to stop screaming. “My nephew was killed yesterday because he was aborted,” he said. The reality of abortion was chilling, and the feminist went silent.
Another man explained how he lost his mother to a botched abortion. For that reason, he said he would always be pro-life, and he was extremely sad that he also lost a nephew because of his sister’s abortion.
Many students encouraged TFP volunteers with applause and phrases such as:
- “Keep up the good fight.”
- “It is so good to see normal people! It is really hard to be pro-life on campus.”
- “Keep the faith!”
- “It is ridiculous to think life does not begin at conception. The baby has unique DNA and is entirely different from the mother.”
Why Are Pro-Aborts Co-Natural with Satanism?
The Satanic Temple claims that abortion is a “religious” ritual. It is easy to understand how the devil, a “murderer from the beginning,” would foment the sin of abortion. Today at Kutztown University, pro-abortion advocates confirmed their satanic affiliation.
One feminist held a sign with a pentagram and upside-down cross. Another wore a T-shirt with an image of Baphomet. Yet another sported a “Let’s summon demons” T-shirt. At least three pro-aborts hailed the father of lies, screaming, “Hail Satan!”
Putting the slogan “my body, my choice” aside, pro-aborts uttered morbid and disturbing statements at Kutztown, including these:
- “Eat the babies!”
- “Kill them all!”
- “There is nothing wrong with rape because you can get an abortion afterward.”
- “I wish I was dead.”
- “I hate babies. All babies need to die.”
- “I want to kill myself!”
- “I like murder.”
Contrasting Signs
One pro-abort held a sign against the Bible: “Everything these people stand for is based on a book used to fuel ego and control.” A TFP member pointed out the appalling contradiction, saying: “What is more egoistic than killing someone for personal convenience and what is more controlling than killing a human person? It sounds like the book you are talking about is a Planned Parenthood manual.”
Another sign read, “Stop the war on women.”
“What about the war on unborn women in the womb?” asked a TFP volunteer.
Other pro-abortion signs included “God is dead” and “I love harassing strangers for no reason.”
TFP had its own thought-provoking signs. “Abortion is a daily 9/11” and “Smile! You survived abortion” and “Honk against abortion!” which garnered vigorous honks from passing traffic.
Every time pro-abortion activists hailed satan or said something impure or blasphemous, TFP volunteers invoked the saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary to make reparation. This angered the “tolerant” leftists.
Pray and Act to End the Genocide
Almost 70 million preborn have died due to abortion in the United States. That is well over the entire population of Spain. God-fearing Americans must not remain silent in face of the biggest genocide in history. Let us pray and act not only to end abortion but also to restore moral values and the splendor and beauty of Christian Civilizations.
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