Antifas Vandalise our Van and Call for: ‘Attack their Headquarters’

The vandalised van.

Antifas Vandalise our Van and Call for: ‘Attack their Headquarters’

Our volunteers were harassed by antifas after a street campaign. Our van was smeared with paint, following earlier defacement of one of our headquarters.

Flyering on Campuses

Our volunteers visit European cities like Cologne, Ghent and Amsterdam, where they flyer among students on university and college campuses. Conservative and Christian students get encouraged: so you can make a different voice heard than the monotonous leftist sound of lecturers.

Read also: We don’t back down for Leftist Bullies

Antifas turned up

During a street campaign in Germany, antifas turned up, with the well-known logos and flags. This group adheres to a mixture of communism and anarchism. Antifas want to abolish private property, but also fight against ‘gender inequality’ and ‘discrimination’ against illegal immigrants. It is, in even more radical form, the agenda of liberal and socialist political parties. The antifas' ultimate goal is the complete destruction of Christian civilisation.

All masked

The antifas surrounded our volunteers. The left-wing activists were masked without exception, too cowardly as they were to come out openly for their beliefs. They shunned discussion and resorted to insults, intimidation and threats. Our volunteers wanted to share their message with the general public and not get embroiled in a brawl. Therefore, they ended their street campaign.

Façade smeared

Apparently, antifas followed us, because a short time later, the façade of our apartment complex was smeared. The antifas unsuccessfully tried to force the door with a crowbar. The other residents of the complex received a letter from the antifas saying that ‘fundis’ (fundamentalists) were staying in the building. Fortunately, fellow residents expressed their support to the volunteers and shared in the abhorrence at the harassment.

Busje antifa 2

‘Attack their Home’

The antifas want to break the resistance to their leftist agenda. However, it won't be the threat of far-left groups that will set us back.
Afterwards, our van was smeared with black paint. On the far-left website Indymedia Germany, the antifas claimed their action. The TFP ‘is anti-feminist, anti-queer, turbo-capitalist and simply extreme right-wing. It's a group we must fight against at all levels and by all means!’ The antifas gave the address of our headquarters and suggested: ‘You can also attack their house at [address]’.

Yes, I support your mission!

Donate for the security of our volunteers and their street campaigns.

Antifas do not shy away from Violence

These are not empty threats from antifa. This group operates internationally, strategically. In doing so, violence is a familiar tool. Our volunteers have experienced this during several campaigns in Europe, for example, in March 2019, antifas threw a pipe against the windscreen of one of our vans. Later, they threw bricks at our vehicles and posted pictures of it on their Indymedia website.

Foto aanval op straat 2019 min

Pink tolerance in practice: homosexual activist throws a pipe against the windscreen of our van.

Fireworks Bombs on Our Premises

A few months earlier, the antifas arrived at one of our premises with 23 men, carrying fireworks bombs and Satanist slogans. At night, a list of ideological demands was nailed on our door. In an online requisition, they wrote they wanted to thwart us as a ‘major player’ because our message ‘strikes a nerve within the political landschape of the far-right'. Unintentionally, a great compliment to our efforts.

Foto satanisch bord 2019 min

The satanic painting the lhbt activists put on our fence.

We are even more Motivated

The previous antifa attacks against us have failed in their intent to break us. Instead, we have grown stronger as a result. More people have come to see the true nature of the supposedly ‘tolerant’ left and have joined our side. That will also be the effect of the current attacks. They motivate us to fight even harder for Christian civilisation. Not with cowardly masks, metal pipes and online threats. But with peaceful, overt and principled actions. Truth prevails.

Are you also convinced about the need to act?

Don't wait a second longer and get in touch!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." – Edmund Burke
Afbeelding2 Berlin

TFP Student Action Europe during our Summer Caravan in Berlin in front of the Brandenburger Tor.

TFP Student Action networks with college students all over Europe and tackles hot-button issues that are at the forefront of the moral and cultural debate of the day. Volunteers frequently travel to the campuses to distribute pro-family literature, sponsor talks, defend the unborn and stand up for true marriage.

Whenever possible, TFP volunteers assist college students on campus. To request a TFP speaker on your campus, please contact us.
