What Do Leftists Think When They Meet TFP at Universities?

What Do Leftists Think When They Meet TFP at Universities?

Have you ever wondered what goes through the minds of leftists when they encounter our volunteers on university campuses? This is a more common question than it may seem, especially among those who follow our campaigns.

Recently, this curiosity also caught the attention of a professor at Utrecht University, a known pro-abortion and LGBT+ activist.

In an article published on the website of one of the largest TV broadcasters in the Netherlands, he shared his surprise upon stumbling across our campaign in the heart of the university, during a meeting of the local LGBT activist group.

Unexpected Reactions

In the article, the professor expresses his astonishment at the organization, determination, and, in other words, the "audacity" of our volunteers when they presented themselves on campus.

But what seemed most incomprehensible to him was the support our volunteers received from students, which led him to reflect on the impact of our campaigns.

He describes the strength and organization with which TFP operates on university campuses:

"While we were meeting with the board of our Gender and Sexuality Alliance, a group of six men suddenly appeared on our doorstep chanting 'pro-life' (=anti-abortion) slogans."¹

"We heard a commotion in the street: drums, bagpipes, shouting through a megaphone. I stepped out of the meeting to investigate. One of them was holding a large red banner with a golden lion on it. They were neatly dressed, in suits, wearing a kind of red sash, as if they were Romans."

"The group gave me the impression of a well-oiled military unit. The man with the red beret was holding a brochure with a picture of a baby and the text, ‘After America, also in Europe. With prayer and struggle, we will stop the sin of abortion!' At the top was the sender: TFP Student Action Europe. The letters stand for Tradition, Family, and Property.”

The professor's surprise extended beyond our presence. He was particularly unsettled by the strong support from university students, which visibly disturbed him:

"These boys, [university students watching from afar] as I call them, are the audience of the six men. They are the ones to be recruited, the next soldiers in the army of hate and intolerance."

What Does This Reveal?

The professor's sharp criticism reveals much about how our methods resonate in environments where leftist ideologies and "woke" culture often dominate without opposition—until now.

Our campaigns, focused on defending moral values that challenge the myths of the sexual revolution in a peaceful and prayerful, yet logical and unyielding way, have reached hearts and minds even in places where support might seem unlikely.

The discomfort our presence causes in certain groups is actually a testament to the fact that we are addressing critical and sensitive issues.

When students, educators, and activists feel compelled to respond with energetic and desperate reactions, it underscores the real impact of our work in defense of life and family.

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¹The original article can be found here.
