You can reach all of Europe with the defense of Moral Values!

The family is under increasing pressure. Family breadwinners are being squeezed out. Children are confused by LGBT and gender about God's intention for marriage, sexuality, and the family. Innocent human life is threatened from conception to natural death, whether by the infamous sin of abortion or the horror of euthanasia. Climate coercion threatens our very home. This is why TFP Student Action Europe stands up for God's commandments and Christian Moral values.

But we can't do that alone.

If we want to give a future to our children and grandchildren, we must take action!

If you support TFP Student Action, your donation will go directly to:

  • Fighting for the protection of children from sexual indoctrination through street campaigns and coordination with similar groups in the various parliaments of the continent.
  • Filing lawsuits against the LGBT dismissal of Christians who refuse to participate in the promotion of sexual sin.
  • Promotion of Caravans through the main European cities, seeking direct contact with the population in order to alert them to the tricks of the organized pro-abortion and pro-homosexual agenda movements, which are trying to impose their ideologies and unnatural practices through the press, bills and court decisions.
  • Organization of Summer Camps and Formation Symposiums for students who wish to exert a decisive influence on society. It's about how to lead decisive, future-oriented action for Christian civilization in the 21st century.
  • The free distribution of unique publications to students, parents, teachers, and citizens. We actively support them in resisting the LGBT coercion they experience at work, university, or school.

You can ensure that the whole of Europe is aware of the need to protect Moral Values, for the preservation of our Civilization - currently at risk. Use the secure form below to make your donation.

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