European Summer Caravan starts in Cologne and Düsseldorf

European Summer Caravan starts in Cologne and Düsseldorf

40 volunteers from various European and overseas TFPs came together to support the German section of TFP Student Action Europe in a joint effort against abortion.

After the tragic inclusion of the "right" to abortion in the French constitution, there was great turmoil among Europe's pro-death activists.

Despite the rejection of public opinion and the lack of dynamism of their most committed activists, a light of "hope" has been lit on the dark horizon of the abortionists, sounding the alarm for the defenders of life.

And this Summer Caravan is an important part of the answer.

This year's Caravan began with campaigns in the cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf.

Both campaigns were marked by a great deal of support from passers-by and, at the same time, very heated discussions with others, which nevertheless did not result in any kind of opposition or attacks - a common occurrence in campaigns of this kind.

It couldn't be otherwise. In the absence of arguments, the abortionists have no choice but to attack, first verbally and often physically. This comes as no surprise to our volunteers, who are prepared for both types of confrontation - using every legal means at their disposal.

The Caravan will now continue through Germany, giving a voice to the unborn.

If you want to support this Crusade in Protection of Unborn Children, you can do so by clicking here.

Fight back!

A new generation of pro-family activists is forming in Germany, and they are not afraid to proclaim the whole truth: The God-given right to life is non-negotiable.

The future belongs to those who have faith and oppose the sin of abortion. It is now up to us to pray and step up the fight to prevent this curse from spreading to Germany and the rest of Europe.

Sign the petition now to defend ALL innocent human life!
