Ursula von der Leyen re-elected as EU commission Chair: What can We expect?

Ursula von der Leyen and Frans Timmermans. Source image: Wikimedia Commons / Robberd77

Ursula von der Leyen re-elected as EU commission Chair: What can We expect?

Right-Wing Groups voted against Von der Leyen

In the European Parliament, power does not lie with national parties, but with European political groups. On the right, the European Conservatives and Reformists voted against it, as did Patriots for Europe and Europe of Sovereign Nations.

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The Right is Sidelined

This fragmentation will make it extra difficult for Von der Leyen to exert influence as a right-wing bloc. The center parties are establishing a firm cordon sanitaire, blocking the appointment of right-wing MEPs to powerful parliamentary committees.

Free Beer for All

This leaves everything as it has always been. Christian democrats, liberals, and socialists call the shots. The voters are not listened to. The road to the European superstate continues. Or not? Ursula von der Leyen promises free beer to everyone in Brussels. There will be European Commissioners for defence, but also for housing and fisheries. Imperial overstretch threatens, with all the EU stagnation that implies.


Transparency and Democracy remain Malnourished Children

Then again, what is not the focus is the constitutional reform of the EU. This appointment of the European Commission president has also been done in backrooms. Also, this term, the European Parliament will not be allowed to submit legislative proposals and will thus remain a crippled parliament.

Through Frans Timmermans' Green Deal

At the European Parliament hearing, Von der Leyen promised to go ahead with the European Green Deal. Conceived by Frans Timmermans, this green deal for Europe imposes all kinds of commandments and prohibitions on citizens and businesses. Before the June EU elections, Von der Leyen distanced herself from the climate coercion and met with protesting farmers. It now turns out to be all empty promises, as we naturally expected.

Brussels wants a Lot but can do Little

The EU wants a lot and is taking over more and more powers from member states. But when there is a real crisis, member states tie the knot. This creates a paradox: Brussels does not have the sovereignty to solve problems but snatches enough power from countries that they too cannot solve the problems.

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EU is the Sick Man of Europe

Over the next five years, we can expect even more EU centralization under Ursula von der Leyen. However, the result will not be a United States of Europe, but rather an Ottoman Empire. The new ‘sick man of Europe’ is in Brussels.

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