The European Union and its Post-Election Future

The unity of the European Union suddenly seems fragile and vulnerable. Source image: pickpik

The European Union and its Post-Election Future

"Two lame ducks, Macron and Scholz, and a former sovereignist ugly duckling turned into a swan, Giorgia Meloni. This is what is left of Europe after the electoral earthquake."

Union with Engine Trouble

These words, written by columnist Antonio Polito in the Corriere della Sera of 11 June, capture the essence of the results of the European elections. The Franco-German engine of the European Union has "fallen apart" and Giorgia Meloni is the only European prime minister who has increased and stabilised popular support after two years of rule.

Left suffers Loss

It should be added that the major defeat of this election was inflicted on the historic left. The party that received the largest number of votes on a European scale is the moderate European People's Party, while everywhere else the Socialists and Greens are losing. The German SPD, the oldest socialist party in Europe, founded in 1863, has been overtaken by the "sovereignist" party Alternative für Deutschland, founded in 2013.

Globalists on the Retreat

In every country, from France to Austria, Germany to Spain, "sovereignist" or, more generally, "centre-right" parties are advancing in their various forms. The myth of an immigrationist, globalist and inclusive Europe has taken a hard hit, confirming the existence of an unstoppable process of de-globalisation that, after the attack on the Twin Towers, found its expression in the 2008 financial crisis, in the trade war between the United States and China that developed under Trump's presidency and in the coronavirus pandemic.

Political stability uncertain

The spectre of the "global coup", beloved of certain neo-Conspiracy theorists, is fading, while the real evil under which Europe is suffering is clearly looming: political instability and intellectual and moral confusion. Who will govern the European Parliament that opens in Strasbourg on 16 July with the proclamation of the MEPs who will form the new political groups? Numerically, there is still a majority between the People's Party, the Socialist Party and the Liberal Renew faction. Yet the numbers are now too small to guarantee the stability of this grouping.

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Right is divided

After losing the elections, the socialists and liberals will no longer be able to influence the decisions of the EPP, which has no choice but to shift to the right, for example by considering the possible support of Giorgia Meloni and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala. However, the sovereignist parties are divided between the Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, of which Giorgia Meloni is a member, and that of Identity and Democracy (ID), which includes Marine Le Pen. For his part, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will have to choose which group to join. But even their votes combined with those of the EPP do not constitute the required majority.

Patchwork of Opinions

In this respect, the new European Parliament is more fragile than the previous one, and it will not be easy to find a common voice, especially in the most important sector at the moment: foreign policy. The right-wing parties, which emerged victorious, share the ideas of curbing rampant immigration, opposing environmental ideology and limiting Europe's coercive power, especially in the economic sphere. Yet they are divided on the fundamental problem facing Europe today: the existence of two wars in Ukraine and the Middle East that threaten the West's freedom.

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The Red Phantom still roams Around

At this point, there is now a divide running through left and right, fuelled by the Russian and Chinese "hybrid war". In the 1980s, Soviet propaganda coined the slogan "Better red than dead" to encourage the European left and pacifist movements to oppose the installation of US Pershing II missiles, which were supposed to take on the SS-20 missiles deployed by the Russians to hit Western Europe. The psychological blackmail was to circulate in public opinion the false alternative between "Soviet peace" and nuclear war.

Old Wine in New Sacks

Today, the Soviet Union has collapsed, but Vladimir Putin, the heir to the Soviet Union, has goals that would have seemed unattainable at the time: the dismantling of NATO, the isolation of Europe from the United States, the neutralisation of the countries that used to be part of the Iron Curtain; in a word, the subjugation of Europe to the Russian hegemonic project. To achieve this goal, the weapon remains primarily psychological.

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Subjugation as the New Peace

The new slogan "Peace, not a nuclear catastrophe" was endorsed in a televised talk show on 10 June by General Roberto Vannacci, elected as an independent in the ranks of the right-wing party, the League, with more than 500,000 votes, and by the professor and commentator Angelo d'Orsi, who openly declared his homesickness for communism. Anyone who wants to oppose the expansionist goals of or the Islamic world is accused of being an "enemy of peace" who wants to lead Europe to a nuclear apocalypse.

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Everyone is labelled

However, the fundamental problem remains understanding what kind of peace we seek and the true and deep cause of the dangers that threaten us. League leader Matteo Salvini has called French President Emmanuel Macron a "criminal" for his statements in favour of sending French or NATO soldiers to Ukraine. The label used for the French prime minister is not wrong, but for very different reasons from those put forward by Salvini. Macron can technically be considered a criminal because he is the president of a country that has included the crime of abortion in its constitution and even presents it as a "universal message".

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A Summit with Sacred Content

The ostentatious public overthrow of the natural and Christian order cannot be without consequences. Only respect for this moral order ensures peace, while its violation inevitably leads to wars and all kinds of social unrest. Reminding us of these truths is above all the Church's responsibility.

No Peace without Christ

What better opportunity to remind the powerful of the earth that there is a natural and divine law that cannot be broken with impunity, and that only the return to this law is the way to finding the only true peace in order, which is the peace of Christ? Otherwise, the path of self-destruction for the West, which also runs through surrender to Putin's blackmail, will inexorably take its course.
