Without some dictatorship, Frans Timmermans will never get his Green Deal done, Deutsche Bank warns. (Photo: World Economic Forum, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, via Flickr)
Deutsche Bank advocates "eco-dictatorship" for Timmermans
The success of the EU's Green Deal will require "some degree of eco-dictatorship". This will be music to the ears of Frans Timmermans, as Vice-President of the European Commission and directly responsible for this.
Green Deal leads to mega crisis
In an analysis, a senior economist from Deutsche Bank , Eric Heyman, sharply criticizes the "unfair debate" with which the EU (and therefore Frans Timmermans) publishes its Green Deal , its program against alleged climate change. Instead of putting up a utopian 'green' vision with only benefits, as Timmermans is doing now, it would be fairer if the EU admits that the Green Deal leads straight to a mega crisis with major “loss of wealth and jobs”. That's just the way it is and you better come out for it.
DB warns of 'massive political resistance'
The DB analyst denounces EU sales pitches touting the Green Deal as "a new growth strategy" that will enable the EU to become a "fair and prosperous society". But in fact it will be necessary to overhaul the entire European economy, plus the political and legal system, and that will only succeed with "a certain amount of eco-dictatorship", according to Heyman, because without it the people will manage. eco-harassment just won't take. The analyst warns of “massive political resistance” as soon as people realize where it is going.
Drastic measures are coming
For now, the revolutionary impact of the EU's climate agenda on everyday life is "still relatively abstract" and "still acceptable" for most households. The people are still calm. Soon, however, the measures for climate neutrality proposed by Timmermans will entail drastic interventions in the choice of means of transport, the size of homes, the method of heating, the possession of electronic consumer goods, as well as restrictions on the consumption of meat and tropical fruits.
Undermining private property
Moreover, this resistance will organize itself politically. The opponents will be right to point to huge increases in energy prices, draconian restrictions on personal freedom and rigorous undermining of private property. Impoverishment is then inevitable. It's better to be honest about that, says Heyman, because there are no cheap solutions available. So if the EU wants to achieve the climate goals for 2050, Timmermans will have to force the population to do so, whether or not he has a democratic mandate to do so.

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TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property.
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