Government Funds via COC Action Group pushing LGBT from within Catholic Church

COC-funded activists gather in Roermond's Episcopal Palace to force the blessing of homosexual relationships within the Catholic Church. Source image: Wikimedia Commons / Dqfn13.

Government Funds via COC Action Group pushing LGBT from within Catholic Church

The Dutch government, through the COC, is pushing for the LGBT-isation of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands. The state even funds action groups that undermine traditional Church teachings from within.

‘Understanding’ must come mainly from within the Church

In the diocese of Roermond, the grouping ‘Building a Bridge’ is active. According to its own website, the circle strives for ‘understanding between the Catholic Church and the LGBT community’. This mainly comes down to adapting the Church to the harsh ideological demands of the LGBT movement.

Diocese of Roermond

The action group is allowed to hold regular meetings at the bishop's residence in Roermond, according to the Nederlands Dagblad. Then Bishop Harrie Smeets gave permission for this in 2018. His successor Bishop Ron van den Hout allows the gatherings.

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Poster featuring Christ in Rainbow Colours

‘Building a Bridge’ organised a “religious celebration” in May 2024 where the announcement poster shows our Lord Jesus Christ dressed in the rainbow colours of the LGBT movement. A serious blasphemy of the High Priest who became like us in everything except sin.

For we have not a high priest, who can not have compassion on our infirmities: but one tempted in all things like as we are, without sin. (Hebrews 4:15).

Fr James Martin

‘Building a Bridge’ is named after the book of the same name by American Father James Martin s.j. This Jesuit calls on Catholics to have “respect” for homosexual relationships and calls it “scandalous” when churches refuse to go along with transgendered children.

Named after a Hardened Communist

The Roermond-based grouping is funded by the Bob Angelo Fund of the COC. Bob Angelo, a pseudonym of Nico Engelschman (1913 - 1988), a communist who was a member of the Lenist Youth Guard (LJG) and editor of magazine De Jonge Leninist (The Young Leninist). Engelschman was an associate of Henk Sneevliet, one of the architects of Mao Zedong's communist revolution in China.

Communism and Church are incompatible

Communism sees the Catholic Church as its arch-enemy. From China to Cuba, Russia to Venezuala: everywhere, communists persecute the Church. They infiltrate the hierarchy to stifle any opposition to their murderous, anti-Christian agenda. They burn down churches and censor sermons. Shouldn't that be reason enough for Bishop Van den Hout to keep the LGBT campaign group out?

Also read: German Bishops Head for the Abyss in the Name of "Synodality": Faithful Catholics Unite to Resist!

Edward Brongersma

Moreover, Bob Angelo's figure has a paedophile smell to it. When paedophile Edward Brongersma released a brochure at the COC in 1960, Angelo defended the writing's positive treatment of paedophilia. To a critic, he said the COC should be ‘proud’ of Brongersma's paedophilia apologetics.

Bob Angelo brought in Paedophiles

Bob Angelo brought in COC paedophile Frits Bernard, a friend of Brongersma. Angelo got Bernard to write pleas for the legalisation of sexual intercourse with underage boys for COC magazine Vriendschap (Friendship).

Also read: Dutch Bishop: "Everyone is welcome in hell. Todos, todos, todos."

Why is the Bishop not averse?

Surely, after the sexual abuse scandals, one would expect Bishop Van den Hout to be averse to an action group getting paid from a fund named after a communist LGBT activist who provided paedophiles with a podium.

Huh, Separation of Church and State?

The COC lives on 97% government subsidy. In fact, it is a state body, seeking to LGBT-ise the Church through the action group ‘Building a Bridge’. The separation of church and state turns out to be a farce. Rather, we can speak of the subjugation of the Church by the state.

240528 The Breached Dam

Fr. Wolfgang Rothe holding a sacrilegious "blessing service for all couples in love", Cologne, 21 September 2023.

Press release: Book: The Breached Dam - The Fiducia Supplican's Surrender to the Homosexual Movement

New book puts Spotlight on LGBT Infiltration of the Church

The LGBT movement wants to infiltrate the Church to change its teachings. What has been sin for two thousand years should now be called good. The latest book The Breached Dam shines the spotlight on this anti-Christian trend. The book has a foreword by auxiliary bishop Rob Mutsaerts of Den Bosch. Highly recommended for those who want to see the COC infiltration in Roermond in a larger context. You can order it for free HERE.
