TFP Book “The Breached Dam” Helps Catholics Resist the Vatican's Surrender to the Homosexual Movement

Fr. Wolfgang Rothe holding a sacrilegious "blessing service for all couples in love", Cologne, 21 September 2023.

TFP Book “The Breached Dam” Helps Catholics Resist the Vatican's Surrender to the Homosexual Movement


YORK, Penn. (May 27, 2024) An important new book has just been released that will help Catholics understand and oppose the homosexual subversion inside the Church. Titled The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement, the book documents and explains what is happening in the Church in light of the recent Vatican document Fiducia supplicans.

Published by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), the book is being published in eight languages—English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Spanish. Its foreword is written by the Most Rev. Rob Mutsaerts, the auxiliary bishop of ‘s-Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands.

The authors, José António Ureta and Julio Loredo, are members of the Tradition, Family, Property movement in Europe. They are influential pro-life and pro-family activists, writers and speakers. Their writings on the Church and modern society have appeared worldwide. In 2023, the two scholars published The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions and Answers with a foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke.

This book is intended to help everyone understand how much Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández’s Fiducia supplicans represents a Vatican surrender to the pressures of the homosexual movement, says author José António Ureta.

The 128-page book documents the gradual process of how the homosexual movement “subverted the Church with homoheresy.” It sadly relates the efforts of Church officials to introduce the normalization of homosexual sin. However, it also outlines the more recent documents and declarations of other officials affirming the perennial teachings of the Church.

The Breached Dam refers to the blessing of homosexual partnerships allowed by Fiducia supplicans that will permit everything in the name of “radical inclusion.” The book asserts the right of the faithful to resist (not revolt against) teachings contrary to those of the Supreme Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

This book is a must-read for those looking for direction in the face of the crisis in the Church, says American TFP vice president John Horvat.
The topic could not be more urgent and timely. We anticipate a huge demand for the work.

As we witness such a serious crisis of Faith within the Church, we must stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and with courage and confidence, proclaim His promise:

The gates of Hell shall not prevail!

This new book is a must-read for every faithful and informed Catholic!

Free copies of The Breached Dam are available on these platforms:






You may also purchase a copy of the book here:

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