Olympic Blasphemy sends Shock Waves through World

The horrors of the French Revolution were hailed at the Olympic opening ceremony.

Olympic Blasphemy sends Shock Waves through World

‘Satanic’, “disgusting”, “an insult to God”. These are just some of the numerous outraged reactions to the parody of the Last Supper during the opening of the Paris Olympics.

Olympic Opening mocks Last Supper

The opening ceremony of the Olympics was a succession of bizarre and blasphemous scenes. We see a bunch of drag queens and transgender activists mocking the Last Supper. Does anyone still doubt the anti-Christian nature of the LGBT movement? Their Sexual Revolution is not out for ‘equal rights’ but for the destruction of Christianity.

The Beheading of Marie Antoinette

Shocking was also the scene where we see Marie Antoinette, holding her severed head in her own arms. The French queen was executed by French revolutionaries in 1793. The radicals tortured her infant son, a toddler still, so much so that when he died, the pathologist-anatomist was shocked by the countless scars. In the French Revolution too, behind the facade of ‘equal rights’ lurked the gruesome reality of a death struggle against Christian civilisation.

Satanism on the Rise

The Olympic ceremony was steeped in all kinds of satanic symbolism: a golden calf on a banner, a horseman of the Apocalypse. Celine Dion performed, a singer with a clothing line that, according to exorcist Bishop John Essef, is ‘satanic’. Increasingly, we see public worship of Satan at major events: think of the devil-worship of the Irish ‘Bambie Thug’ at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Read also: Satanic Act at Eurovision Song Contest shocks Many

John Lennon's Imagine: Anthem of Globalist Communism

Toe-curling was the performance of John Lennon's Imagine during the Olympic opening. ‘Imagine there's no Heaven... No Hell below us... And no religion.’ But also, ‘Imagine there's no countries. Imagine no possessions’. This is the anthem of communist, globalist anti-Christianism. So this is the message Emmanuel Macron wants to send to the world through the Olympics.

Where is the much-discussed ‘respect’ of the LGBT Movement?

The LGBT movement insists on ‘respect’ but laughingly kicks billions of Christians on the soul. Even worse, with the Olympic opening, it directly insults our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Blasphemy, a sin committed directly against God, is worse than murder,’ writes St Thomas Aquinas.

Paris in Darkness, except for the Sacre Coeur

Is it a coincidence, then, that it kept raining during the Olympic opening ceremony, and during the driest weeks of the year? Is it then a coincidence that after the disgraceful performances, the power went out in Paris - except at the Sacre Coeur, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the divine opposite of the Revolutionary idolisation of reason? He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…

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International Petition against Olympic Woke Ceremony

The TFP's in America and Europe immediately launched a petition against the Olympic opening ceremony. Spread around together with sister organisations in Poland, Germany, France, Italy, the United States and other countries.

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Feeble Excuses

Protesting works: the Olympic Committee has now apologised for the opening. Although excuses is actually too big a word. Spokeswoman Anne Descamps refuses to mention Christians (let alone God Himself!) and speaks of ‘religious groups’. She praises the creators' intention to promote “tolerance” and, based on opinion polls, believes it has succeeded. ‘If people are offended, we are very sorry’, that's all it can say.

When will Macron put on the Shroud of Penitence?

So this is totally inadequate. Emmanuel Macron, who enthusiastically tweeted the French Revolution slogan ‘Freedom, equality and fraternity’ during the blasphemous performances, should put on the penitential robe. It is unacceptable that the faith of so many Christians should be ridiculed.

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