Swiss State snatches Child after Parents refuse Sex Change

The two parents anonymously tell their harrowing story on X. Source image: X / Billboard Chris

Swiss State snatches Child after Parents refuse Sex Change

Will you not cooperate in your child's sex change? Then your daughter could be taken away from you. This happened to two parents in Switzerland who wish to remain anonymous. On X, they told their story.

Parents in Dire Straits

The camera is pointed at a darkened room against which two black silhouettes stand out against illuminated windows. In a computer-manipulated voice, the anonymous father says: ‘They cast aside 16 years of absolute devotion to our child and took our child away from us based on the lie that a person can be born in the wrong body.’ The mother added: ‘We want our daughter back home.’ These parents refused to give their child puberty inhibitors. As a result, they were taken to court. They lost the case, and their daughter was placed out of the home without mercy. Then, to add salt to the wounds, the parents were threatened with another criminal prosecution unless they handed over legal documents of their daughter to enable the ‘sex change’.

Start of Misery

‘We as parents are facing an alliance of the school, Swiss Child Protection, Swiss Hospital in Geneva, and we feel powerless,’ the father laments. ‘About three years ago, when we came out of the pandemic, our daughter informed us that she was a boy. We understood that she was going through a difficult period in her life, and agreed to seek medical advice. When we first went to the hospital in Geneva, the nurse showed her a ‘gender unicorn’, and it was based on this ‘gender unicorn’ that we were told by the hospital to treat her as a boy from now on. We were told that she needed puberty inhibitors.’ But this only began a long road of misery.

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Everyone got involved

The father continued: ‘The school got involved. Everyone at the school: the teachers, the administration started calling our daughter by a boy's name. We were very clear to the school that it was not up to them to transition our daughter socially.’ And they said this for a reason: it starts with social transition, but this often leads to the use of hormones of the opposite sex and eventually gender mutilation.’ The mother takes the floor and the story takes a horror twist: ‘We found out that the school psychologist got involved and presented my daughter with materials and put her in touch with Le Refuge.’ The father continues: ‘Le Refuge is a transgender advocacy organisation [sic] and made our daughter believe she was a boy in a girl's body.’ However, this did not end the horror.

Lost Everything

Le Refuge convinced the daughter that her psychotherapist would be ‘transphobic’, and she immediately stopped her treatment there. Eventually, Swiss Child Protection, supported by the school, sued us in the Swiss legal system. And that meant many sleepless nights for us, a lot of deep pain, and a feeling of hopelessness,’ the father recounts. The parents are now under enormous pressure from the authorities. Not only have they lost their daughter, they have spent tens of thousands of Swiss francs on legal fees and could be tried at any moment. This story caught the attention of Dr Felix Böllmann, a German lawyer and the head of the European branch of human rights organisation ADF International.

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Parents supported

Böllmann addresses the parents‘ heartbreaking testimony: “A school, a trans organisation [sic], and a public hospital, together with the child protection services of the canton of Geneva, have ”socially transitioned’ a child against the advice of medical professionals and also against the expressed will of the parents.’ Marc Bellon, lawyer and medical doctor, makes his point: ‘Of course the parents have more than a word to say regarding very important decisions with a potential impact on the whole life of their child.’ But the word of the two experts was to no avail here. The Swiss authorities must and will put the daughter through a procedure that will change her forever, with no way back.

Missing Family Member

‘No human being is born in the wrong body,’ the father said. Telling a young adult that he or she was born in the wrong body is cruel’. And obviously cruel not only to the person in question, but also to family members. The mother says: ‘We want our daughter back home. It's just... We love her and we miss her. My son feels like his sister is missing. He has written several letters, but we have not received any reply from her.’ The father added: ‘So it is actually from this pain and despair that we decided there is really no other option except to tell our story. The Swiss government has essentially taken away our daughter. Our daughter now lives in a government home. Our access to her is regulated by the Swiss government.’

Hope for Others

The father lets us know why they did their story and put it online. ‘We don't want to see other families in this situation,’ he says. ‘There is no one but the parents who will ever bring and cultivate the love that children need to be the best they can be, so that they can not only fulfil their dreams, but in turn create their own families in the future.’ But this cry from the heart fell on deaf ears. The daughter has since been allowed to ‘transition’ without her parents' permission. In February this year, the court ordered the parents to hand over their daughter's legal documents so that she can legally register herself as a man. But even under the threat of criminal trial, the parents refused to do so. Fortunately assisted by ADF International, they appealed.

Total Madness

What makes this story so harrowing? That a teenage girl is brainwashed to go against nature as God created it is, of course, horrifying in itself. But the fact that all government agencies - the school, the hospital, the legal system, the police, not to mention the Child Protection Agency - cooperate in this is truly bizarre. Not only that, it is frightening and sets a grim precedent. Will you not cooperate with the poison of the gender lobby? Then your child may well be taken away from you by the very bodies that should, on paper at least, protect children. And given the influence of the LGBT lobby in Europe, it is not a question of if, but when the first case like this one will occur here. The family as a unit is being systematically attacked and undermined by the Evil One, and only Our Lord Himself can now protect the children. Clearly, in the West, we need not expect much more from the state and its legal system.
