'Trans boxer' beats up Woman. Olympic Committee defends Him

It took 46 seconds for Italian boxing star Angela Carini (25) to throw in the towel crying. She was up against an Algerian man of nearly 1m80 pretending to be a woman.

'Trans boxer' beats up Woman. Olympic Committee defends Him


Domestic violence, in which a man beats up his wife, meets with universal condemnation in a Christian society. Men are supposed to protect women, at all times. That is the example of Christ. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) apparently thinks otherwise. They allowed a transgendered guy to whip a woman. The silence from feminists is deafening.

'Have never been beaten so hard'

She was completely in tears, 25-year-old Italian boxer Angela Carini. After 46 seconds, she stopped the Olympic fight. It was clear to everyone that she could never win. After all, she was up against a man pretending to be a woman, Algerian Imane Khelif. Overexcited and out of breath, Carini complained to the press that she had "never been beaten so hard" in her sporting career. However, she does not call a spade a spade: "I am not here to judge. It is not for me to say whether it is fair or unfair," the boxing star said.

Read also: This is what comes after the Transgender Revolution

Male Advantage

The reason a special women's branch exists in sports is because of men's obvious biological advantage over women. Because of their bigger lungs, superior muscle strength, and harder and bigger bones, women are no match for men even at the top. Indeed, professional women's football teams are regularly beaten fat by teams of 14- and 15-year-old boys. Even in a non-physical sport like darts, men have a biological advantage. In boxing, this discrepancy becomes painfully obvious, as evidenced by Carini's 46-second beating. The footage is not to be seen.


Why would the IOC take it into their minds to let Imane Khelif fight a woman? He is obviously much bigger and more muscular than his female opponent. The Algerian declared himself transgender some time ago, and is therefore allowed to fight women. His testosterone levels are cited as justification for this patently unfair fight. This would be low enough at the time of Carini's beating off. This would eliminate the biological advantage, is the reasoning. This makes no sense, however, as Khelif has been producing testosterone all his life until his 'transition', giving him a permanent advantage. His bones are thicker and harder, muscles larger and his shoulders broader. A temporary decrease in testosterone does not suddenly undo this.


A big fuss arose after Carini's takedown. People are appalled by this display of misconduct at the Olympics. The unsportsmanlike behaviour of Khelif, who cheered triumphantly after punching out a woman, is therefore met with considerable criticism. However, the IOC is taking the transgendered guy under protection. They say they are "saddened" "by the verbal abuse" of Khelif. Sadness over Carini's physical abuse would be more appropriate. Unlike other sports federations, no DNA test will be done, but only testosterone levels. This is to counter "discrimination", the IOC said.

Reality always wins

If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is that reality will always prevail. Many people believe, thanks to the generously subsidised LGBT lobby, that there would be no fundamental difference between men and women. Therefore, anyone who claims to be a woman is one, according to the rainbow brigade. This radical and destructive relativism is the direct result of denying God as the Creator of humanity. He made us male and female, in His image. The moment that this reality is abandoned or denied, man thinks he can make himself in his own image, with all its consequences. Reality, however, cannot be relativised.

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