
Two Types of Meditation on Christmas  Diversity of Spiritual Schools  in the Church
Ambiences, Customs & Civilizations

Two Types of Meditation on Christmas Diversity of Spiritual Schools in the Church

24 December 2022

Transcription of a meeting given by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, TFP's founder, in an auditorium for...

In the U.S: Defenders of the Christ Child Protest “Christmas” Drag Queen Blasphemy
Street Campaigns

In the U.S: Defenders of the Christ Child Protest “Christmas” Drag Queen Blasphemy

23 December 2022

When most Americans were hanging garlands and singing Christmas carols, “wokism” reared its ugly head in...

On the doorstep of The Dutch Bank: "Klaas Knot, stop EU pension robbery!"
Street Campaigns

On the doorstep of The Dutch Bank: "Klaas Knot, stop EU pension robbery!"

10 December 2022

Stop the EU pension robbery! More than 78,000 Dutch people already signed this urgent appeal to Klaas Knot,...

Pro-Life Smiles Cause Pro-Abortion Despair at Gettysburg College

Pro-Life Smiles Cause Pro-Abortion Despair at Gettysburg College

16 November 2022

Why do pro-abortion advocates hate smiles? Because joy comes from truth and virtue, not from the lies of...

Why Are Pro-Abortion Advocates Co-Natural with Satanism?

Why Are Pro-Abortion Advocates Co-Natural with Satanism?

14 November 2022

Why do pro-aborts side with Satan? On October 26, 2022, fifteen young Catholic volunteers with TFP Student...

In Ireland: Catholicism & Paganism Clash in Slane & Trim
Rosary Crusade

In Ireland: Catholicism & Paganism Clash in Slane & Trim

11 November 2022

Irish Society for Christian Civilisation On Saturday, 29th October, members and friends of Irish Society...

Abortion Debate: 12 Pro-Life Crusaders vs. 150 Pro-Abortion Students

Abortion Debate: 12 Pro-Life Crusaders vs. 150 Pro-Abortion Students

10 November 2022

“[We’ve] got to get them back in blood!” That’s what a pro-abortion student said after TFP Student Action...

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest
Catholic Perspective

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest

8 November 2022

Having met recently in Plenary Assembly, the Canadian Catholic Bishops pledged their commitment to:...

'Spiritual weapon for Ukraine': Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholics blesses one million medals for soldiers, victims and students
Catholic Perspective

'Spiritual weapon for Ukraine': Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholics blesses one million medals for soldiers, victims and students

27 October 2022

On Wednesday, October 26, in Kyiv, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) His...

Austrian TFP protests against the promotion of Satanism in Vienna
Blasphemy and Satanism

Austrian TFP protests against the promotion of Satanism in Vienna

26 October 2022

Do you remember the public tearing apart of the Holy Scriptures by the declared satanist Adam “Nergal”...

Tradition - How It Keeps Us Alive and Well
Society & Culture

Tradition - How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

14 October 2022

There is no doubt that humanity has benefitted from many advances that modernity has brought to the world....

The WHATEVER-Mentality
Gender Ideology

The WHATEVER-Mentality

13 October 2022

In 1994, the English rock band Oasis released a song titled “Whatever.” Its leftist cultural message is...

“For God, Honor  and Country!” Young Men Answer the Call to Chivalry at TFP Summer Camps
Call to Chivalry Camp

“For God, Honor and Country!” Young Men Answer the Call to Chivalry at TFP Summer Camps

12 October 2022

Was it the meetings, the lively conversations during meals, or the making of new friends? Was it the hardy...

In Vienna: No to Behemoth's blasphemous spectacle!
Blasphemy and Satanism

In Vienna: No to Behemoth's blasphemous spectacle!

12 October 2022

Currently, the blasphemous band Behemoth is touring our continent under the title "European Siege 2022" to...

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship
Catholic Church

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

6 October 2022

Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes...