Street campaign against drag queen story hour: “How happy we are to see you here!”

Street campaign against drag queen story hour: “How happy we are to see you here!”

“I don't want to expose my children to this, thank you!”

Last Saturday, TFP Student Action Europe went to the streets to campaign against a public event that included a presentation by a drag queen.

A female impersonator called “Gigi” gave a presentation about his life as a drag queen, including to children, at a library in Veenendaal.

The TFP volunteers came across several young parents who congratulated us for our courage, but, as often, the defenders of LGBT ideology appeared and attacked us with insults and even physically (as if this could intimidate us!).

Possessed and sexually abused

After five minutes of campaigning, a young man approached one of our volunteers. He got right to the point when he heard what was going on in the library: "I am being sexually abused, I was abused as a child. I am tormented and I fear that I am possessed". He was trapped in occultism, but he wanted to escape. He was very depressed. The volunteer promised to pray for him and put him in touch with a priest.

"Remarkable number of young people supporting us"

Of all the people enjoying the sunny weather and walking around the mall, it was noticeable that young couples with children were the most likely to express their support for our campaign. Some young men who knew us from YouTube videos wanted to come and thank us personally for the work we lead.

What also stood out was that many people supported us but absolutely did not want to be in the picture. They did not want to be known for their anti-LGBT views, for fear of the consequences.

Read the article: 10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family's Worst Enemy

Ranting like possessed

It didn't take long for us to see the consequences of our campaign on LGBT lobbyists. Two middle-aged women started shouting vigorously when they realised that we were there. “Shame on you, leave us alone!” One of the volunteers responded that they should actually be ashamed of themselves for defending a lust-soaked man. This caused them to ignite in anger, shouting things like “this is the 21st century!”.

Read the article: This is what comes after the Transgender Revolution

"These people have to go!"

Our volunteers campaigned to protect children from the perverse reality that lurks behind the thick layer of make-up of many drag queens. Two boys about 12 years old looked admiringly at TFP Student Action volunteers and their red capes. They did not need to be convinced of the necessity of campaigning. They found it incomprehensible that many adults participate in this kind of drag queen show.

See also the video of our protest against the drag queen story hour in Frankfurt last April:
