Articles - Catholic Church

How Liberals Turned Freedom into Tyranny
Politically Correct Unmasked

How Liberals Turned Freedom into Tyranny

11 July 2024

Ryszard Legutko knows about freedom. He experienced a lack of freedom when his native Poland was under...

Message from Ukraine: 'Miracles happen because of your Marian Medal'

Message from Ukraine: 'Miracles happen because of your Marian Medal'

8 July 2024

The Ukrainian people are suffering badly from the ongoing war. The Ukrainian chief chaplain let us know how...

"Rainbow Masses" are contrary to Catholic Morality, Doctrine and Unity!

"Rainbow Masses" are contrary to Catholic Morality, Doctrine and Unity!

17 January 2024

On 20 November 2023, the Diocese of Antwerp posted the following on its website and social media:

Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

3 October 2023

Volunteers from TFP Student Action Europe campaign for the protection of unborn life at the University of...

TFP Student Action Europe is officially banned from the Archdiocese of Luxembourg!
Attacked by tolerance

TFP Student Action Europe is officially banned from the Archdiocese of Luxembourg!

4 August 2023

Luxembourg: Archdiocese does not allow the brochure to be displayed in churches - The brochure speaks of...

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”
Street Campaigns

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

21 March 2023

Faithful Catholics around the world were shocked by the announcement that the German bishops will create a...

Germany: Heretical text is adopted by the Synodal way despite clear warnings of schism - bishops failed miserably

Germany: Heretical text is adopted by the Synodal way despite clear warnings of schism - bishops failed miserably

10 March 2023

Today is a tragic day for the Catholic Church in Germany. The approved text of the act which authorizes the...

True Catholic Formation Involves these Three Things
Catholic Church

True Catholic Formation Involves these Three Things

27 February 2023

For those wishing to be a Catholic in the fullest sense, there are three areas of formation that are...

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship
Catholic Church

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

6 October 2022

Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes...

New Release "Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church"
Socialism & Communism

New Release "Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church"

22 September 2022

On Saturday, Julio Loredo presented his new book "Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic...

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