Message from Ukraine: 'Miracles happen because of your Marian Medal'

Our Lady of Zarvanytsia, pray for Ukraine!

Message from Ukraine: 'Miracles happen because of your Marian Medal'


The Ukrainian people are suffering badly from the ongoing war. The Ukrainian chief chaplain let us know how much comfort and encouragement his people receive through our Marian Medal.

One and a half Million Marian Medals for Ukrainians

When Ukraine was attacked by Russia, TFP Student Action Europe together with sister associations sent as many as 1,000,000 medals of Our Lady of Tsarvanytsia and Saint Archangel Michael to Ukraine. An additional shipment of 500,000 followed this year. Both missions were carried entirely by the donations of faithful Catholics with hearts for the plight of the afflicted Ukrainians. We therefore thank everyone who contributed with a gift.

You can reach all of Europe with the defense of Moral Values!

'Miracles happen through this Medal'

The chief chaplain of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine now sends us an eventful letter. Priest Mikhaylo Koltun tells how the Marian medal "has been greeted by many of our military and civilians as a comfort from heaven and an encouragement." He emphasises the miraculous effect of this medal: "Countless reports testify to the graces of protection and conversion received, not to mention the miraculous deeds associated with wearing this medal."

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Most Rev. Mikhaylo Koltun's letter. Click HERE for the English original.

Soldier's Life is saved by Medal

This ties in with reports we received earlier from Ukraine. A mother says that the medal of Our Lady of Tsarvanytsia and Saint Archangel Michael, saved her son's life at the front. "The soldiers love these medals, they hang them on their insignia," writes a Ukrainian. "When they go to war, they pray to the Saint Micheal the Archangel for strength and confidence, and when they are in a dugout or trench, they pray to the Mother of God for protection."

Russia continues to spread its Errors

The Catholic Church is being severely persecuted in the Ukrainian territories under Russian occupation. It is becoming more and more clear that Russia is not conducting a 'civilisation offensive' to save the West from decadence, but is itself continuing its spread of errors. We continue to pray to Our Lady of Fatima that Russia may repent and there may be peace in the world.

On the shipment of 1 million medals in 2022, the military pastorate of the Ukrainian Church sent us this video of the blessing of the medals by Archbishop Svyatoslav Shevchuk: «Духовна зброя для України»: Глава УГКЦ освятив мільйон медаликів для воїнів, постраждалих і студентів | Матеріали | Українська Греко-Католицька Церква (
