New Release "Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church"
On Saturday, Julio Loredo presented his new book "Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church" at the TFP Washington Bureau in McLean, Virginia. This follows book events in Sacramento and Orange County, California as well as in Houston, Dallas, and Austin, Texas.
Mr. Loredo is the president of the Italian Assocation of Tradition, Family and Property and a world-renowned expert on the ideology of Liberation Theology. His book describes what it is and how it spread around the world, specifically in the United States. A very relevant topic in the Church today.You can watch his presentation on YouTube here:
You can order the book here:https://store.tfp.org/liberation-theology-how-marxism.../
Or on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1877905674
Some photos of the event: