The March for Life in the Netherlands is growing in size.
The March for Life is on the Rise, to the Frustration of Abortion Advocates
Last Saturday was the 32nd March for Life in The Hague. Compared to last year, there was a growing turnout of about 9 to 10 thousand people, according to police present. The atmosphere was good and it started raining when the March had just ended.
Increased to nearly 40,000
Protesting against abortion in the Netherlands is more necessary than ever. Early this month, it emerged that the number of abortions has risen to almost 40,000. For many years the number was stable around 30,000, so there has been a very large increase. Every reason to raise our voices.
Week for Life
The March for Life is the conclusion of the Week for Life, an annual week in which mass attention is drawn to the injustice of abortion for TV spots, radio spots and abri cars. The message this year was ‘You can be there. And so can every unborn child!’ But censorship put a stop to abri's at universities. Chairman Bert-Jan Heusinkveld of Platform Zorg voor Leven said at the event on Saturday that he found this bizarre.
Read also: TFP Caravan warns: “With Abortion, Europe will fade Away!”
Heart for Watchers
Another speaker on the stage was Chris Stoffer, the SGP parliamentary group leader in the Lower House. Speaking about the watchmen at abortion clinics, he said, ‘How important your commitment is, but how difficult, if not almost impossible, it has been made for you lately. I want to encourage you: persevere and do not remain silent.’ He received massive applause.

During the event, brochures, manifestos and petitions were shared with the large crowd of pro-lifers walking by.
Pro-life ‘ Exhibition Square’
There was also pro-life ‘fair square’, with stands from the NPV, Schreeuw om Leven, Kies Leven, Prolife Europa and, of course, the Dutch TFP was on hand. Many pro-lifers visited our stand and signed our petition asking to keep abortion in the criminal law, and they took one of the many manifests, Pray and fight to stop the sin of abortion! 10 reasons why abortion is an evil and a sin! [Dutch and English]

Abortion advocates note the rise of more pro-lifers at the March for Life.
Counter-Demonstrators saddened
There was also a counter-demonstration by some 150 pro-abortion demonstrators. Their shouts and whistles meant they could be heard from afar: ‘My body my choice’ and ‘Boss in your own belly’. As I went there an elderly pro-abortion woman spoke to me, she asked how many pro-lifers were marching with the march. The officer standing next to me replied about 9 to 10 thousand, to which she said, ‘that makes me very sad’. It is typical that the pro-choice movement is increasingly ageing and they are sad that the pro-life movement has become so big. May the pro-life movement grow much bigger still!
Read also: We don’t back down for Leftist Bullies

A Student Action against Abortion in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
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