
Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

Demonstrator against Abortion wet-nosed at University of Amsterdam

3 October 2023

Volunteers from TFP Student Action Europe campaign for the protection of unborn life at the University of...

On the Eve of the Synod, Five Cardinals Release New Set of Dubia to Pope Francis: “We Are Concerned”
Catholic Church

On the Eve of the Synod, Five Cardinals Release New Set of Dubia to Pope Francis: “We Are Concerned”

2 October 2023

October 2, 2023—On the eve of the Synod on Synodality in Rome, five Cardinals have released a notification...

In Aachen, release of the German version of the book "The Synod Process is a Pandora's Box: 100 Questions and Answers".
Catholic Church

In Aachen, release of the German version of the book "The Synod Process is a Pandora's Box: 100 Questions and Answers".

1 October 2023

GERMANY - AACHEN - The president of the German TFP, Mathias von Gersdorff, was at our headquarters in...

What is the Sword of Saint Michael?
Splendors of Christianity

What is the Sword of Saint Michael?

29 September 2023

Quis ut Deus? Who is like unto God? This was the battle cry issued by Saint Michael the Archangel at the...

France: a show horribly promotes anti-white racism!

France: a show horribly promotes anti-white racism!

28 September 2023

The Festival d'Avignon, or Avignon Festival, is an annual arts festival held in the French city of Avignon...

Pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne: A decisive confrontation for the Church in Germany and the world
Catholic Church

Pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne: A decisive confrontation for the Church in Germany and the world

21 September 2023

Looking at the photos and videos of the grotesque celebration of "pseudo blessings" for LGBT+ couples in...

Join us: Public Rosary against pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne
Street Campaigns

Join us: Public Rosary against pseudo-blessings for LGBTQ+ couples in Cologne

18 September 2023

Invited by Fr. Wolfgang Rothe - an outspoken supporter of homosexual sin - pro-LGBT groups from all over...

Video: The Crusade against the Synodal Way - No to Schism! We remain Catholics!
TFP Caravan

Video: The Crusade against the Synodal Way - No to Schism! We remain Catholics!

18 September 2023

In view of the World Synod in October and the possibility of a repetition of disasters such as those...

2 Germanies clash at the 2023 March for Life

2 Germanies clash at the 2023 March for Life

17 September 2023

TFP Student Action Europe attended the March for Life in Cologne, Germany. Together with the participants...

Introduction to the Book, The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box
Catholic Church

Introduction to the Book, The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box

13 September 2023

The following text is taken from the introduction of the recently published book, “The Synodal Process Is a...

Celebrating 30 years of Caravans: TFP Delegation Visits Lithuania
TFP Caravan

Celebrating 30 years of Caravans: TFP Delegation Visits Lithuania

2 September 2023

Since the historic campaign in late May 1990 when the Brazilian TFP took to the streets to collect...

Cross commemorating 33 years of action by the TFPs for a free Lithuania erected on the Hill of Crosses in Šiauliai
TFP Caravan

Cross commemorating 33 years of action by the TFPs for a free Lithuania erected on the Hill of Crosses in Šiauliai

31 August 2023

In November 1989 a wave of discontent sweeping the countries behind the Iron Curtain caused the fall of the...

Caravan Update: 719 parishes visited in less than a week
TFP Caravan

Caravan Update: 719 parishes visited in less than a week

25 August 2023

Some highlights from the recent caravan through Southern Germany.Our volunteers have already visited...

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod
Catholic Church

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

22 August 2023

Press release August 22, 2023 Given the Synod on Synodality convened by Pope Francis, the Associazione...

Caravan Update: Distribution to Houses and Parishes
TFP Caravan

Caravan Update: Distribution to Houses and Parishes

16 August 2023

The Caravan continues. Our volunteers have already visited hundreds of parishes distributing copies of the...