More than two Decades of Action: The March for Life in Germany continues to move forward!

More than two Decades of Action: The March for Life in Germany continues to move forward!


For more than two decades, the March for Life in Germany has continued to progress and gain momentum!

Despite smear efforts, widespread attacks by the mainstream media, anti-democratic actions, the unwillingness of certain authorities to intervene and even acts of terrorism by Antifa - including blockades, threats of violence and physical assaults - thousands of people marched once again in defense of the right to innocent human life, from conception to natural death. Since 2002, this demonstration has brought together defenders of life, and this year was no different.

Read also: Why do so many hate the March for Life?

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In Cologne and Berlin, the number of participants increased compared to the previous year, amounting to more than 8,000 people in total, including the presence of six German bishops.

Among them were Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg and Auxiliary Bishop Dominikus Schwaderlapp of Cologne, accompanied by Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke OSB of Eichstätt, Auxiliary Bishop Matthias Heinrich of Berlin, Bishop Florian Wörner of Augsburg and Bishop Josef Graf of Regensburg.


The organization of the March for Life is led by the Federal Association for the Right to Life (Bundesverband für das Recht auf Leben, BVL), which brings together 15 pro-life organizations. According to the BVL, around 4,000 people took part in Berlin and 3,500 in Cologne. The Berlin police reported that around 500 demonstrators took part in a counter-demonstration in the German capital.

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The march went well despite the efforts of desperate counter-protesters.

The Power of Joint Action and Prayer

Among the participants in Cologne this year, volunteers from the German section of TFP Student Action stood out as they carried a large banner reading “Pray and Act to Stop the Sin of Abortion - It Really Works!”.


March for Life Cologne 2024.

They alternated between reciting the Holy Rosary, singing hymns in praise of the Virgin Mary, and vehement refutations of pro-abortion fallacies, creating an atmosphere of faith, dynamism, and resistance.

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They also distributed thousands of copies of the manifesto-petition to the President of the European Parliament calling for the implementation of concrete measures to guarantee the protection of innocent human life, from conception to natural death.

Read also: What Do Leftists Think When They Meet TFP at Universities?

Opponents' Reaction: Attacks and Intimidation

According to the Kölner Stadtanzeiger, pro-abortion activists from the “Bündnis Pro Choice” movement blocked both lanes of the Deutzer Bridge in Cologne, forcing the pro-life demonstration to detour along a less visible route.

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Among those documenting the march in Cologne was Catholic YouTuber Kevin Mis, who recorded his experience of trying to talk to the pro-abortion protesters.

While filming, he was attacked and robbed, which he recounted in a video.

For him, the attack was more than a personal assault: “When I was attacked by Antifa supporters during the March for Life and my microphone was stolen, it wasn't just an attack against me, but against the right to life and the divine plan that sanctifies every human life.”

Mis stressed that these attacks reflect a serious spiritual and moral deterioration in society. However, the incident only reinforced his conviction: “Just as the Lord himself suffered persecution, we must be ready to fight for what is right and true.”

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Last year's March for Life in Cologne welcomed a mix of leftist groups.

Memories of the Previous March

Although this year's march in Cologne went off without a hitch, last year pro-abortion protesters united to disrupt the event at any cost.

Even though they managed to block part of the route, they couldn't shake the spirit of the defenders of life. It is becoming increasingly clear that a new generation of pro-life activists is emerging, both in Germany and abroad, who are not afraid to proclaim the truth: the God-given right to life is non-negotiable.

The more opposition they face, the more fired up and determined the participants become, especially among the younger generation.

Growth of the cause and shrinking opposition

This year, the presence of feminist collectives and terrorist groups like Antifa was significantly lower. In Cologne, the pro-abortion protests were reduced to a few dozen activists, signaling the weakening of their resistance.

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An Inspiring Story: The Power of Prayer

During the march, a man approached some of our volunteers and thanked us for our actions and work, sharing his experience.

The previous year, he had been listening to the blasphemies against Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary uttered ad nauseam by the pro-abortion demonstrators, annoyed but not knowing what to do.

It was then that he saw some of our volunteers standing firmly in front of several of the blocks of agitators, manfully carrying their rosaries and praying in reparation.

That's when he decided to join us and pray too. He revealed that he had never learned to pray the rosary, but, inspired by what he had witnessed, he began to do so as a form of devotion to the Blessed Mother and a weapon against Satan's machinations.

The seriousness of abortion and the impact of family dissolution were highlighted by several parents present at the march.

One mother of five brought her whole family to the event, saying that this was the best way to teach her children to love and obey God and his commandments.

“Why should my children obey me? Only when they learn to love God and his teachings can they understand the value of obedience,” she said.

What's Next?

Every year, the March for Life grows stronger, but the fight is far from over.

While we remain hopeful that the movement will continue to expand in both numbers and impact, the legal protection of unborn life is still at risk—especially after statements like those of French President Emmanuel Macron, who declared "war" in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the U.S.

Now is the time to take action.

SIGN the petition to the President of the European Parliament, urging her to implement concrete measures that protect innocent human life from conception to natural death.

But don't stop there.

Get personally involved in your local pro-life groups and join the demonstrations.

Only through joint action and prayer can we finally bring an end to this grave sin that cries out for Justice — and safeguard the future of Europe and the world from collapse.

Get involved!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Edmund Burke’s words ring true today more than ever. Too many good men remain silent. But in the face of today’s growing crisis, silence is no longer an option. If we want to restore and protect the Christian roots of our civilization, we must act - and we must act now.

The family, the very heart of society, is under relentless attack.

From the tyrannical imposition of LGBT and gender ideology, undermining the foundations of the family and the innocence of children, to the destruction of the sanctity of innocent human life from conception to natural death, our fundamental Christian values are being eroded.

LGBT ideology challenges God's design for marriage and family. Climate coercion pushes radical agendas, and mass migration destabilizes our communities, placing unprecedented pressure on families, our values, and our culture.

This is why TFP Student Action Europe exists - to be a bold and uncompromising voice defending God's commandments and moral values. But we cannot do this alone. We need you.

Who are we?

We are TFP Student Action - Europe, a dynamic network of young volunteers from the European Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property. Together, we’re on the front lines of the fight for moral values—at universities, schools, and especially on the streets. We stand up for what is right, and so should you.

But this fight needs more than just words. It needs action - your action.

Why join us?

By joining us, you become a part of a growing movement that refuses to sit idly by while evil advances. You’ll be connected with a community of like-minded individuals committed to making a difference. Our volunteers will personally reach out to help you find your role - whether you have a few minutes or a few hours, your efforts will make a real impact. Together, we can restore Europe’s moral compass.

Our victories so far have been fueled by courageous people like you, who refuse to stand by while the values we hold dear are threatened. But there is still much work to do, and with your help, our voice will only grow stronger.

Will you rise to the challenge?

Now is the moment to take a stand. Join us, become a champion of moral values, and together we can protect the family, defend life, and restore Christian culture across Europe.

Sign up today - because the future of our society depends on it.
