March for Life in Cologne, Germany
2 Germanies clash at the 2023 March for Life
TFP Student Action Europe attended the March for Life in Cologne, Germany.
Together with the participants of the march that took place on the same day in Berlin, more than 7,000 people -- mostly young -- marched to end abortion.
But guess what happened...
Pro-aborts from all over Germany united to disrupt and prevent the march at all costs.
Although they managed to block part of the route (due to the police's flawed security plan), they did not dampen the spirits of the defenders of the innocent unborn.
Indeed, a new generation of pro-family activists is forming in Germany and they are not afraid to proclaim the entire truth: The God-given right to life is non-negotiable.
On the contrary. The more they opposed it, the more the thousands of participants, the vast majority of them young, were inflamed.
The future belongs to those who have Faith and oppose the sin of abortion.
What is certain: Those who wish to destroy God's infants will end up in the dustbin of history because destruction is always short-lived and, well, self-abortive.
God bless the young German Catholics who took a bold stand as they prayed the rosary.
Representing a noble and religious cause
Our participation this year focused on remembering something fundamental in the fight for the right to life: More than just the lives of unborn babies, people come together to defend the underlying moral principles and, above all, the cause of God.

Today's March was marked by the uninterrupted recitation of the Rosary and many other religious devotions and symbols. In addition to the importance of the March in the political and cultural struggle to defend innocent life, these prayers are an important and decisive appeal to the Most High, asking for His intervention.
In this way, many of the participants in the event feel the Divine Grace and Presence that encourages them to continue marching in spite of all the adversities. There is no other way to explain the persistence and tenacity of the pro-life movement than through this divine action.
The left also feels and fears this action, which was evident in the hatred they showed towards the Rosary with a shower of insults, blasphemies and obscenities.
Two Germanies were in open conflict at the March. Which one will prevail?
Be part of this Crusade for Moral Values!
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property.
Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public.
Below you will find links to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected] or click here.
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Thank you and may God bless you!
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