The public backlash to the ‘experiment’ must not have been expected by the EUR.
Erasmus University Rotterdam lets Festival-Goers watch Pornography
‘Breaking taboos by viewing pornography ‘for science’,’ reads the opening line of Erasmus University Rotterdam's message on Instagram. They probably did not count on the many angry and outraged reactions from students and numerous others.
Vulgar Parody
What on earth moved the university to post this inappropriate message on Instagram? It all appears to be part of ‘research’. Samira van Bohemen, a scientist at Erasmus University in the ESSB (social and behavioural sciences), has set up a toe-curling trial. At the Lowlands Festival, one of Europe's biggest music events, she asked total strangers what kind of pornography they watch through so-called ‘Pornfessions’: a diabolical distortion of ‘confessions’. She wants to find out the connection between what type of pornography people watch and the social environment they grow up in. How this contributes to science and society is a deep mystery. As if sacrilege wasn't clear enough, Van Bohemen describes it as ‘confessing one's sexual fantasies to a porn[graphic] priest.’
Angry Reactions
However, the message was flooded by dozens of angry reactions, not only from Catholics, but also from others. And the remarkable thing: most of the reactions came from students themselves. ‘Incomprehensible how our university is again engaged in this degeneration that further normalises porn use. With an industry that abuses countless young and vulnerable women. In addition, it also makes fun of the Christian faith. With a ‘confession’ and a ‘porn priest. Erasmus shows its worst side,’ an angry student reveals. Another, who is a member of the student party Liberi Erasmi, says: ‘Bizarre how our student fees are being misused. Disrespectful how ‘porn priests’ are being experimented with. As the largest student party [...] we will definitely take this up.’ The students also do not forget Christians: ‘Very disrespectful to all Christian students at Erasmus.’
Emboldened Teacher
Even teachers made themselves heard. The profile ‘An ex-woke teacher’ on X (formerly Twitter) did her bit: ‘Ah, the woke science after all. Never A Dull Moment there, eh? [...] Just what we need in this disconnected postmodern last phase of Western civilisation.’ Another indignant reader responds, ‘If anything is unloving, it's porn[graphic].’ And in this, of course, the X-user is right. Pornography is nothing but a vulgar parody of that which God has called into the world for procreation. It is the opposite of blessed union within marriage: it is cold, lustful, for money, and tempts countless internet users to sin. The Evil One can only distort and corrupt that which is good.
Ultimately, it is quite ironic that the ‘progressive’ and feminist multitude examines and extols pornography. After all, reducing women to objects of lust happens nowhere like in the porn industry: not to mention actual human trafficking and exploitation of countless girls and women, as the aforementioned Instagram user pointed out. And that is exactly the weird thing about leftists: women should supposedly no longer be seen as objects of lust, but when a woman wants to enter pornography, it is ‘empowering’. And so the sword of double standards constantly hangs over the head of leftist movements. They grope in the dark, but the real reasons that women should be respected elude them.
You can reach all of Europe with the defense of Moral Values!
Reverence for Women comes from God
Women are created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, they should not be treated as objects of lust, or relegated to performing and undergoing sexual acts watched by millions of people. Also in the heavenly domain springs the source of why pornography is evil: sexual intimacy, primarily intended by God for the sake of procreation, is disconnected from that purpose in pornography and reduced to the satisfaction of lust. If only proponents of this form of women's exploitation realised that reverence for women has its origins in Christianity!
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Europe needs an action plan against pornography!
Appeal to the President of the European Parliament