During the ‘Queerintro Delft’, so-called ‘drag queens’ performed. Many students were unhappy about this spending of their tuition fees. (Image: Instagram, censored by TFP Student Action Europe)
‘Drag Show’ during TU-Delft Intro Day goes Wrong: ‘Stop this Satanic Woke Madness!’
The summer holidays are coming to an end. Schools start again. Universities also open their doors. The way to welcome new students is to organise introduction days. TU-Delft therefore organised a special ‘queer intro’. Students are not over the moon about it.
The TU-Delft's instagram page shows a video with three so-called ‘drag queens’. These are men who use grotesque make-up and perverse clothing to pretend to be ‘women’. The ‘performance’ of the make-up-clad guys consists mainly of sexually oriented dances. What this has to do with studying at Delft University of Technology is not made clear.
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Students in Protest
What is clear is that students are not waiting for this. ‘Stop this satanic woke madness,’ said one student. A student responded, ‘So inappropriate. Go to shame, TU-Delft’. ‘Is this what our tuition fees are spent on?’, a young man sarcastically asks the education minister. At other universities too, there is a growing reluctance to openly promote sexual sin. This is evident from, among other things, the victory of ‘anti-woke parties’ in the student elections.
Pride Movement does not know when to Stop
More and more people are speaking out openly against this LGBT drama. If the rainbow brigade had common sense, they would now be singing a tone lower so as not to antagonise even more people. But no, for them, these reactions are instead a sign that these kinds of obscene actions are ‘even more necessary’, as one LGBT activist put it in the reactions to the lewd Instagram video.
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Never Enough ‘Pride’ in Amsterdam
This conclusion was also recently drawn in Amsterdam. Following criticism of the perverse Canal Pride, the city council decided not to spend ‘just’ 250,000 euros on it next year, but to spend a whopping 700,000 euros on the Sodom and Gomorrah festival. The event will also last a month from now on. ‘That'll teach them,’ seems to be the reasoning of GroenLinks mayor Femke Halsema. Let's hope it only brings more people to the realisation about the true nature behind this satanic ideology.
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A principled, not a personal position
This article aims to defend marriage, the family and morality according to Catholic teaching. In no way is it our intention to slander individuals. We simply exercise our freedom as children of God (Rom. 8:21), so that ‘every tongue would confess to the glory of God the Father, that Jesus Christ is Lord.’ (Phil. 2:11).
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