Donald Trump is less and less pro-life. Source image: Wikimedia Commons / Michael Vadon.
Donald Trump wants to reimburse Embryo-Destroying IVF
Donald Trump has come out in favour of IVF treatments, which kill unborn children en masse. The president under whom abortion ruling Roe v. Wade went off the table threatens to take over the Democratic pro-abortion position.
Donald Trump
‘We're going to pay for that treatment,’ Donald Trump said in an interview with NBC News on Thursday. Health insurance or the government should start paying for IVF treatments. ‘Trump promises to force taxpayers to pay for IVF,’ said Catholic theologian Edward Feser on X. ’This goes beyond just allowing serious harm to positively do it.’
Frozen Children are destroyed
Feser notes that IVF kills even more unborn children than abortion. In treatments, embryos are frozen. If the embryo is no longer going to be used, for example because Down syndrome is diagnosed, the unborn child is destroyed.
Read also: TFP Caravan warns: “With Abortion, Europe will fade Away!”
IVF affects Human Dignity
The Catholic Church therefore condemns IVF as a crime against commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Moreover, freezing embryos is a violation of human dignity. IVF also disconnects reproduction from the sex act, thus separating sexuality from procreation.
Children as Kits
Trump provides a curious justification for his support of IVF: ‘We want to make babies in this country, don't we?’ Here he is referring to legitimate concerns about falling birth rates. But treating children as building kits that you assemble with medical technology is not the solution but rather part of the demographic problem.
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Elon Musk
Trump is showing the same attitude here as Elon Musk, who is raising increasingly widespread concerns about the demographic winter due to too few babies being born. Musk himself conceived twins and then triplets with IVF, and also had another child through surrogacy. Musk is actively contributing to the demographic crisis he says he himself is fighting.
Heartbeat Law ‘too soon’
As president, Donald Trump appointed several justices to the Supreme Court, who subsequently struck down the abortion ruling Roe v Wade. Now that he is running for the presidency again, however, Trump is abandoning the unborn child. As such, he also signalled his opposition to a law banning abortion as soon as the heartbeat can be heard. Trump called that ‘too soon’.
Also read: Donald Trump deletes Abortion Ban from Party Platform
Against a Federal Ban on Abortion
Trump has removed an abortion ban from the Republican party platform. The presidential candidate opposes a federal abortion ban, his running mate J.D. Vance confirmed. He will not enforce the law banning the mailing of abortion pills as president.
In Defense of the Unborn: SIGN NOW
After the US now in Europe - Pray and fight to stop the sin of abortion!
Democrats harden in their Abortion Activism
While Republicans are threatening to drift away from pro-life, Democrats are moving in the other direction. They are radicalising in their abortion activism, with free abortion interventions at the Democratic party convention. ‘The best of them lack all conviction,’ W.B. Yeats poetically observed, ’while the worst of them are full of passionate intensity.’