Articles - Catholic Perspective

In Aachen Public Act of Reparation and Conference - No to pseudo-blessings for homosexual couples in Catholic parishes!
Street Campaigns

In Aachen Public Act of Reparation and Conference - No to pseudo-blessings for homosexual couples in Catholic parishes!

1 March 2023

Because of the Synodal Way, the Catholic Church in Germany is on the verge of schism.Some strive for the...

Konferenz: Der deutsche Synodale Weg und das Projekt einer neuen Kirche - Mathias von Gersdorff
Catholic Church

Konferenz: Der deutsche Synodale Weg und das Projekt einer neuen Kirche - Mathias von Gersdorff

1 March 2023

Über seine Sozial-Media-Kanäle hat das Bistum Aachen am 14. Februar 2023 „in allen Regionen Segnungsfeiern...

True Catholic Formation Involves these Three Things
Catholic Church

True Catholic Formation Involves these Three Things

27 February 2023

For those wishing to be a Catholic in the fullest sense, there are three areas of formation that are...

Two Types of Meditation on Christmas  Diversity of Spiritual Schools  in the Church
Ambiences, Customs & Civilizations

Two Types of Meditation on Christmas Diversity of Spiritual Schools in the Church

24 December 2022

Transcription of a meeting given by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, TFP's founder, in an auditorium for...

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest
Catholic Perspective

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest

8 November 2022

Having met recently in Plenary Assembly, the Canadian Catholic Bishops pledged their commitment to:...

'Spiritual weapon for Ukraine': Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholics blesses one million medals for soldiers, victims and students
Catholic Perspective

'Spiritual weapon for Ukraine': Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholics blesses one million medals for soldiers, victims and students

27 October 2022

On Wednesday, October 26, in Kyiv, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) His...

10 Forgotten Facts About Fatima and Why You Should Know Them
Catholic Perspective

10 Forgotten Facts About Fatima and Why You Should Know Them

13 July 2022

While many Fatima devotees know the salient aspects of Our Lady’s message and the various events...

Can Putin Be Trusted? Is He Christendom’s New “Champion”?
Catholic Perspective

Can Putin Be Trusted? Is He Christendom’s New “Champion”?

9 July 2022

Man needs hope as much as the air he breathes. Lacking air, he feels asphyxiated; without hope, he falls...

The Errors of Russia
Socialism & Communism

The Errors of Russia

2 July 2022

In July of 1917, Our Lady told the three visionaries at Fatima that Russia would “spread her errors...

Thousands of Miraculous Medals go to Ukraine
Catholic Perspective

Thousands of Miraculous Medals go to Ukraine

17 May 2022

Despite the risk of being caught in crossfire and bombings, in early April 2022, Italian TFP member Miguel...

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