Notre Dame: Where All Unite Around Our Lady
The restoration of Notre Dame enthralled the world. Global leaders flocked to Paris to represent their nations. The media broadcast the opening ceremonies that celebrated this grand achievement, noble quest and supreme act of love.
Such gatherings are rare, considering the state of the world. In these times of extreme polarisation, few issues arise where people might find common ground. In these times of decadence, nothing appears spotless and undefiled. Grand events no longer attract most people as they are absorbed in the petty interests of their lives.
Suddenly, there appears on the horizon a resplendent palace, an almighty fortress and a dazzling sanctuary. Its splendour gladdens the hearts of all who view its marvels. Its strength buttresses the weak and faltering. It awakens sentiments of great hope and admiration in countless souls.
Everyone watched in awe as this august monument emerged radiant from the catastrophic 2019 fire and decades of neglect. People rejoiced, seeing that the impossible became possible.
The beauty of Notre Dame’s restoration is that it invites people to think of higher and greater things to which they might give themselves with joy. Its message appeals to innocent Christians everywhere, asking them to believe that restoration—even their own—is possible. From the darkest tragedy of world events, a bright light shone forth.
This scene of extreme beauty awakened in hardened hearts the cry of Saint Augustine, who exclaimed: “Too late have I loved thee, O beauty so ancient and so new. Too late have I loved thee!”
Of course, the world was not only celebrating the physical reconstruction of a fire-ravaged building or marvelling at the technical methods employed. The attempt to turn this religious event into a secular cultural one is deplorable.
Notre Dame speaks to souls about the inspirer of the building. This marvellous medieval relic leads to Our Lady, the Mother of God, who is venerated inside its walls, portrayed in its stained glass and found in its symbolism. The building invites all to enter and pray.
Notre Dame recalls the litany of titles that Catholics use to honour her. Our Lady is addressed as the mirror of justice, vessel of honour, tower of David, tower of ivory, house of gold, Ark of the Covenant and gate of heaven. For this reason, she is the “cause of our joy.”
This grand return to the splendour of Notre Dame contains a message to all of Our Lady’s devotees and admirers. Our Lady, represented by Notre Dame, does not return as she was. Only an immensely greater beauty can move the hardened hearts of this world immersed in chaos and decay.
To attract humanity, she returns with unimaginable grandeur to an undeserving world. As a mother, she displays imaginable tenderness to those who long for a return to order.
To those who will hear her message, she presents a promise of hope to a forlorn world. She will unite every one of goodwill under her maternal mantle.