6 Ways Contraception harms Woman, Marriage and Society

The contraceptive pill is one of humanity's most radical inventions. Proponents of the Sexual Revolution praise the ‘freedom’ it has given women. As more and more people are realising, the contrary is true.

6 Ways Contraception harms Woman, Marriage and Society

‘It is no coincidence that a culture that pretends reproduction is not the [main] purpose of sexuality, and where contraception is widely available, has a high abortion rate.’ These are the words of Lila Rose, founder of pro-life organisation Live Action. Their recent video addresses the disruptive effects of contraception. TFP Student Action Europe lists them for you:

1. Contraception harms Ultimate Connection

According to Live Action, conceiving children together is the ultimate form of connection between a man and his wife. So those who use contraception are not only saying no to children, but therefore also to the ultimate form of connection with your marriage partner. Contraception separates sexuality from this connection, fidelity and mutual devotion, degenerating the marital act into an act aimed at (one's own) pleasure. This makes people slaves to their lust, a violation of God's design for sexuality.


Contraception breaks the connection cycle between man and woman: procreation is an indispensable link because it leads to commitment, love, marriage and sexuality. (Image: YouTube)

2. More Divorce, Fewer Marriages

Since wanting to exclude children ultimately makes for less connection between husband and wife, it is also not surprising that research has shown that couples who use contraception are less likely to marry and have a significantly higher divorce rate than couples who do not. Couples where one or both have been sterilised have an even higher one. Contraception in the form of the pill also separates women from their fertility, and therefore from their husbands.

3. Actually leads to More Abortions

Research by the Guttmacher Institute shows that half of the women who have abortions use contraception. At first glance, this sounds implausible. 'Surely contraception doesn't make you pregnant?’, some may ask. In people's minds, contraceptives have decoupled the act of marriage from procreation. Sexual anarchy is the logical consequence. Because of the unreliability of contraception, many women got pregnant anyway. That ‘problem’ is remedied with abortion as a kind of ‘afterthought’. It is not for nothing that Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the world, is also the largest provider of contraception.

Read also: Neil Datta: the Man Behind the EU Abortion Lobby

4. Harmful to the Body

Not only does contraception have a damaging effect on the spiritual and emotional union between man and woman. The contraceptive pill also harms the woman's body. It can cause blood clots that are fatal in some cases. There is also increasing evidence that it causes osteoporosis in women. According to Live Action, the contraceptive pill is also responsible for many complaints of depression among teenage girls. The hormonal change brought about by the pill also causes women to enter menopause more quickly. However, the harmful effects of the contraceptive pill are not limited to women. The chemicals in the contraceptive pill eventually enter our drinking water through the sewage system. As a result, men too get more estrogen. This is believed to be one of the causes of testosterone levels in men that have been falling for decades.

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5. Does not protect against Diseases

Not only have contraceptives proven unreliable in preventing unwanted pregnancies, they also contribute to the spread of venereal diseases. Since monogamy within marriage is no longer the social norm, our society has fallen into sexual debauchery. Since the widespread availability of contraception, the number of people infected with venereal diseases has skyrocketed.

Read also: Homosexual Union is the Opposite of the Family

6. Children

The biggest victims of contraceptives, and the individualistic mindset that accompanies them, are children. Not only the children killed by the contraceptive pill - after all, it works abortively in some cases - but also the children who do get born. They have increasingly been regarded since the Sexual Revolution as a kind of accessory, something optional, rather than a gift from God.

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