Articles - Catholic Perspective

Abortion as a Marxist Tool in the Context of the Cultural and Sexual Revolution

Abortion as a Marxist Tool in the Context of the Cultural and Sexual Revolution

29 February 2024

Dr Julio Loredo de Izcue, the President of the Italian TFP, spoke at the International Congress 40 Days for...

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show
Catholic Perspective

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

20 February 2024

Tucker Carlson’s two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin on February 8 sparked much controversy but...

Why Are We Defending a Decadent West?
Catholic Perspective

Why Are We Defending a Decadent West?

15 February 2024

A clash of monumental proportions seems likely as the post-war liberal order breaks down. This could happen...

By Looking Out For Mediocre Students, Grade Inflation Hurts the Whole Society
Catholic Perspective

By Looking Out For Mediocre Students, Grade Inflation Hurts the Whole Society

11 January 2024

Decades ago, the quest for superior grades acquired a catchphrase—the “paper chase.” Those who aspired to...

20 Christmas Quotes to Help You Prepare Your Soul for the Infant Jesus
Catholic Perspective

20 Christmas Quotes to Help You Prepare Your Soul for the Infant Jesus

24 December 2023

How often do you hear “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas”? Indeed, the war against Christmas is...

Astana Archdiocese Issues Statement About Same-Sex Blessings Declaration

Astana Archdiocese Issues Statement About Same-Sex Blessings Declaration

19 December 2023

The Archdiocese of Astana in Kazakhstan has issued a statement about the December 18 document Fiducia...

Why do so many hate the March for Life?

Why do so many hate the March for Life?

28 November 2023

Thousands upon thousands of people gather each year for the March for Life to remember the tragedy of...

Are a Danish Artist’s Empty Frames Symbols of the Godlessness of Abstract Art?

Are a Danish Artist’s Empty Frames Symbols of the Godlessness of Abstract Art?

16 November 2023

A recent article in The Guardian describes an “exhibition” by the Danish “artist” Jens Haaning. The show at...

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture
Catholic Perspective

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture

9 November 2023

A simple definition of culture is all that enhances the human mind. However, there remains the question of...

Can Halloween Be Christianized Again?
Catholic Perspective

Can Halloween Be Christianized Again?

30 October 2023

As Halloween approaches, the debate over whether Catholics should join in the celebrations has reignited....

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