Despite heavy rain throughout the day, the faithful were not intimidated. Their determination to continue despite the adversity of the bad weather was only a sign of their conviction to resist other adversities - these much more threatening - from shepherds who try to lead their own sheep astray.
A new act of reparation in Aachen: No to Pseudo-Blessings for "Alternative Couples" in Catholic Parishes!
Because of the Synodal Way, the Catholic Church in Germany is on the verge of schism.
Some strive for the establishment of a German national church in Germany and try to create facts: In the social networks of the Aachen diocese, for example, an invitation to bless alternative partnerships was circulated with a photo of a same-sex couple.

The offer of blessings, blessing celebrations and blessing services by the diocese of Aachen is a schismatic and heretical act. Moreover, it is an act of grave disobedience to Rome and the Catholic Magisterium.
Furthermore, blessing ceremonies contradict the Catholic understanding of marriage.
The only possible attitude: Resistance!
Our volunteers have been visiting all the parishes in the diocese of Aachen and Limburg for the past few months, distributing a manifesto calling on the bishops to take a strong stand against these grave deviations and on the faithful to resist.

As a corollary to the campaign and as a public act of reparation, they held a public rosary in front of the Aachen Cathedral last Feb. 28.
Without absolutely understanding the reason for the public act, but annoyed by the presence of so many young volunteers of the TFP and faithful of the diocese, groups linked to the LGBT, Antifa, feminist and similar movements organized a brilliant "reception", which only served to show exactly what the activists infiltrated in the German Synodal Way actually want to introduce in the bosom of the Holy Church: vice, death and perversion.
Right after the public rosary, Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff, president of the German TFP gave a conference at our seat in Aachen on the topic: The German Synodal Way and the Project of a New Church.
Last Tuesday, May 9, in collaboration with the faithful of the diocese of Aachen, a similar action was organized, this time without the shameful counter-protest of the Sinodal "rainbow" movements.
Despite heavy rain throughout the day, the participants were not intimidated. Their determination to continue despite the adversity of the bad weather was only a sign of their conviction to resist other adversities - these much more threatening - from shepherds who try to lead their own sheep astray.
Moreover, this act will surely attract special graces for the conversion of Germany and Europe and will serve as an incentive for even more faithful who are dissatisfied with the path of the German Church to rise up in a firm and determined, but filial attitude of resistance!
Be part of this Crusade for Moral Values!
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property.
Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public.
Below you will find links to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected] or click here.
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Thank you and may God bless you!
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