Articles - USA

Donald Trump deletes Abortion Ban from Party Platform

Donald Trump deletes Abortion Ban from Party Platform

21 July 2024

With the election approaching, Republicans led by Donald Trump have announced their plans for the coming...

USA: Hundreds Gather Outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Reparation Against Sacrilege
Rosary Crusade

USA: Hundreds Gather Outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Reparation Against Sacrilege

29 February 2024

News about the public sacrilege held in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City spread worldwide. How...

2024 USA March for Life - Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

2024 USA March for Life - Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

21 January 2024

Thousands of thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital on January 19, 2024, for the...

Catholics harassed by pro-LGBT activists while praying Rosary outside ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ show
Street Campaigns

Catholics harassed by pro-LGBT activists while praying Rosary outside ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ show

4 December 2023

(LifeSiteNews) — Faithful Catholics from across West Michigan braved frigid temperatures and hostile...

Rowdy Socialists vs. Catholic Crusaders Face-Off at GW Campus
Socialism & Communism

Rowdy Socialists vs. Catholic Crusaders Face-Off at GW Campus

3 November 2023

March For Life 2023: A March of Celebration and Resolve Moving Towards a New Pro-Life Crusade

March For Life 2023: A March of Celebration and Resolve Moving Towards a New Pro-Life Crusade

23 January 2023

Thousands upon thousands gathered in Washington, D.C., on January 20, 2023 for the annual March for Life,...

2023 March for Life Time-Lapse in 2 Minutes -- Washington, DC

2023 March for Life Time-Lapse in 2 Minutes -- Washington, DC

22 January 2023

This time lapse of the March for Life 2023 in Washington, D.C. is amazing. On January 20, 2023, tens of...

Five Lessons We Should Learn from the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Five Lessons We Should Learn from the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

31 July 2022

Roe v. Wade is dead. The decision to overturn it represents more than the end of a bad law. It changes the...

TFP Student Action USA Conference: A Call to Battle
Activism on campus

TFP Student Action USA Conference: A Call to Battle

30 January 2020

Evil is more and more brazen. The One True Faith and the remnants of Christian Civilization are under...

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