Articles - Putin

The European Union and its Post-Election Future
Catholic Perspective

The European Union and its Post-Election Future

27 June 2024

"Two lame ducks, Macron and Scholz, and a former sovereignist ugly duckling turned into a swan, Giorgia...

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show
Catholic Perspective

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

20 February 2024

Tucker Carlson’s two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin on February 8 sparked much controversy but...

8 Facts about Russia and Its Ukrainian War
Catholic Perspective

8 Facts about Russia and Its Ukrainian War

13 March 2023

Regardless of how you look at the War in Ukraine, certain facts contradict the present media narrative of a...

Can Putin Be Trusted? Is He Christendom’s New “Champion”?
Catholic Perspective

Can Putin Be Trusted? Is He Christendom’s New “Champion”?

9 July 2022

Man needs hope as much as the air he breathes. Lacking air, he feels asphyxiated; without hope, he falls...

The Errors of Russia
Socialism & Communism

The Errors of Russia

2 July 2022

In July of 1917, Our Lady told the three visionaries at Fatima that Russia would “spread her errors...

Natural Law and Catholic Morals Do Not Justify Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Catholic Perspective

Natural Law and Catholic Morals Do Not Justify Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

17 April 2022

As of this writing, Putin’s troops are in the suburbs of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, after invading that...

Archbishop Viganò’s Attempt to Justify Putin’s War on Ukraine Runs Counter the Fatima Message
Catholic Perspective

Archbishop Viganò’s Attempt to Justify Putin’s War on Ukraine Runs Counter the Fatima Message

20 March 2022

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò had a successful ecclesiastical career in Vatican diplomacy. His last...

“Errors of Russia” Rage as Fatima Prophecy Is Ignored
Catholic Perspective

“Errors of Russia” Rage as Fatima Prophecy Is Ignored

12 March 2022

Our Lady of Fatima warned about communist Russia in 1917. “If my requests [for conversion] are heeded,...

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