8 Facts about Russia and Its Ukrainian War

8 Facts about Russia and Its Ukrainian War

Regardless of how you look at the War in Ukraine, certain facts contradict the present media narrative of a struggle between liberal globalism and a theocratic regime. Several of these facts were especially evident in President Putin’s first-anniversary speech to the Federation Assembly about the war and the nation’s future. Others can be gleaned from the news.

These facts are:

  1. The Putin game plan follows Alexander Dugin’s “fourth political theory” against globalism. Inside this theory, the different peoples create civilizations, forming large civilizational spaces and blocs. The ideologue believes that smaller nation-states enjoy the semblance of sovereignty under the umbrella of “politically organized, militarily capable civilizational centers that represent the poles of a multipolar world.” [Translation: Ukraine has no right to be a free, independent, and sovereign nation.]
  2. The war in Ukraine seeks to force the unwilling Ukrainian nation under this umbrella. The conflict has triggered irrevocable political and economic ruptures with the globalized world that facilitate the formation of a multipolar world.
  3. Until 2022, Russia was wholeheartedly a part of the globalist society it now claims to hate. Its economy was fully integrated into the global network. Its products, especially oil, natural gas and grain, were sold in world commodity markets delineated in dollars. Before the abrupt change of events, its cities welcomed the multinational retailers found all over its vast territory. The wave after wave of sanctions testify to the huge extent of this integration and the difficulty of disentanglement.
  4. Russia, unfortunately, shares in the moral decadence of the modern world. The state of its decay is comparable to Western countries. The nation suffers from the world’s highest abortion rate, low birth rates, low church attendance and a decline of marriage. Contrary to the media reports of a theocracy, President Putin has no objections to an LGBTQ+ presence in Russia (save for children). In his Feb. 21 speech, he made a special point to say, “Adult people can do as they please. We in Russia have always seen it that way and always will: no one is going to intrude into other people’s private lives, and we are not going to do it, either.”
  5. Both Russia and the West are the fruit of modernity. The two systems share philosophical roots dating back to the French Revolution. The West adopted the soft liberal model now in the process of decay. Russia now follows the hardline Nietzschean nationalist model, heavily influenced by German thinkers like Martin Heidegger. Both sides are also influenced by the harmful effects of existentialist and postmodern thinkers.
  6. Both systems put great faith in the power of the State. Western political establishments have long promoted massive programs, regulations and networks. Putin’s speech primarily outlined a mountain of government programs and initiatives costing trillions of rubles to address the needs of citizens in a State-driven society.
  7. True to their modern origins, both systems are secular in their expression. Liberalism, by its nature, has always (falsely) claimed to be neutral in matters of religion. However, Putin’s nearly forty-page major speech surprisingly does not mention the Christian God and addresses no religious themes that might be expected in these times of trial.

The seven facts illustrate that the media portrayal is flawed. The real fight is not between a decadent ultra-liberal globalized world and a theocratic, autocratic East. The conflict involves an entire world that is morally rotten, philosophically flawed, financially compromised and politically disordered. Both systems represent two sides of the same debased coin of modernity.

On one side are those who defend the post-war order (with all its errors). On the other side is the Russia-China-Iran axis that wants to break that order and establish its enigmatic multipolar anti-Western world.

Ukraine is the unwilling stage for the drama to destroy the post-war order and trigger the next and worse phase of a Revolutionary process hell-bent on the destruction of what remains of the Christian West. Suffice it to say the Ukrainian invasion did not go according to plan. The unexpected Ukrainian defense of its sovereignty upset the narrative.

This gives rise to an eighth fact, which must be considered to evaluate the two causes.

8. Humanity has not heeded the Message of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal, warned the world of the need for prayer, specifically the rosary, penance and amendment of life to escape divine chastisement. If Russia were consecrated to her, Our Lady promised it would convert to the Faith.

Thus, those looking for political solutions inside the two secular frameworks will be disappointed. The fundamental reform that is needed is a moral one. The ultimate solution will be a supernatural one. However, people refuse to consider the supernatural or moral.

The solution to the world’s problems must come through Fatima. While the West ignored the appeal persevering in its decadence, tiny pockets of devout Catholics in the West and Ukraine still exist who take Fatima seriously. However, Russia (and its allies China and Iran) deny Fatima, the rosary or even the need for this conversion.

At this point, the outcome is unclear. So much can happen should war’s suffering change the hearts of individuals and turn them toward God. Our Lady’s plan is superior to those of men. Victory will come to those who obey her heavenly request, not the flawed designs of men.

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