TFP Student Action Europe Winter Academy
TFP Student Action Winter Academy is for young men who want to effectively defend the Catholic Faith and Christian civilization in the twenty-first century.
Two simultaneous programs will take place in France and the United States.
From December 27 to January 2, friends and supporters from all over Europe will gather in Creutzwald, on the border between Germany and France. A similar program will be held in the United States from December 29 to January 2.
- Europe: Villa Notre-Dame de la Clairière, Creutzwald – France
- USA: TFP Headquarters - Spring Grove, PA 17362
If you live in Europe and would like to take part, contact us through the form below!
If you live in the USA and would like to take part, contact us through this form!
Why are children being taught to accept transgenderism? Why is Satanism now recognized as a religion by the IRS and allowed in schools? Why are some bishops supporting the blessing of sinful and unnatural unions? Are these isolated incidents or symptoms of the same revolution? In fact, recent events show that a clash of worldviews is reaching a boiling point, and those who love God and Christian civilization must be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
That's why I hope you'll join us for this special TFP event where Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira's Revolution and Counter-Revolution will be explained and applied as a winning strategy against the advance of the Gnostic, Egalitarian and Satanic Revolution.
The One True Faith and the remnants of Christian civilization are under attack. In the midst of so much confusion and chaos, we must take a stand. To pray and fight as holy crusaders is our calling.
Therefore, the purpose of this conference is to understand the revolutionary process that is destroying the West and what we can do - individually and collectively - as part of the counter-revolution to restore order.
You’re cordially invited to participate in the next program, in days of formation and camaraderie to prepare for the fight in defense of Christian Civilisation.
For more details about upcoming programs, write to us.
“…you are like crusaders united to fight against the world; not like Religious who retreat from the world lest they be overcome, but like brave and valiant warriors on the battlefield, who refuse to retreat or even yield an inch. Be brave and fight courageously.” St. Louis de Montfort said so eloquently in his Letter to the Friends of the Cross
The video below, made by TFP Student Action USA about a past Winter Conference held at Spring Grove, gives an idea of what these programs are all about: