Articles - German Synodal Way

No to the German Synodal Committee - Protest in Mainz, June 15, 2024
Catholic Church

No to the German Synodal Committee - Protest in Mainz, June 15, 2024

13 June 2024

On June 14/15, 2024, the Synodal Committee, which was constituted on November 10/11, 2023 in Essen, will...

In Essen, the faithful say NO to the German "Synodal Committee"!
Catholic Church

In Essen, the faithful say NO to the German "Synodal Committee"!

7 March 2024

Unfortunately, it seems that a large part of the German episcopate has decided to pave the way for schism...

Caravan Update: Distribution to Houses and Parishes
TFP Caravan

Caravan Update: Distribution to Houses and Parishes

16 August 2023

The Caravan continues. Our volunteers have already visited hundreds of parishes distributing copies of the...

Update: Summer Academy and Caravan
TFP Caravan

Update: Summer Academy and Caravan

14 August 2023

The Summer Academy was a success. We thank everyone who helped, especially with prayers.As a follow-up,...

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”
Street Campaigns

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

21 March 2023

Faithful Catholics around the world were shocked by the announcement that the German bishops will create a...

Germany: Heretical text is adopted by the Synodal way despite clear warnings of schism - bishops failed miserably

Germany: Heretical text is adopted by the Synodal way despite clear warnings of schism - bishops failed miserably

10 March 2023

Today is a tragic day for the Catholic Church in Germany. The approved text of the act which authorizes the...

In Aachen Public Act of Reparation and Conference - No to pseudo-blessings for homosexual couples in Catholic parishes!
Street Campaigns

In Aachen Public Act of Reparation and Conference - No to pseudo-blessings for homosexual couples in Catholic parishes!

1 March 2023

Because of the Synodal Way, the Catholic Church in Germany is on the verge of schism.Some strive for the...

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