What I Saw at “Drag Queen Story Hour” Shocked Me

TFP volunteers pray the rosary in reparation to God for this attack against His plan for the family.

What I Saw at “Drag Queen Story Hour” Shocked Me

I saw protesters lining the driveway to the public library as I approached the building. “Leave Our Children Alone” one protester’s sign read. “Protect Our Children’s Innocence!” read another.

On February 9, 2019, a pro-transgender “Drag Queen Story Hour” was held at Exeter Community Library in Reading, Penn. The event was one among many sponsored at libraries nationwide to teach children ages 3 to 6 about gender-fluidity or transgenderism.

> STOP Transgender "Drag Queen Story Hour" for 3 Year-Olds in Public Libraries

TFP Student Action volunteers joined local pro-family advocates in prayer near the entrance of the library as pro-homosexual activists clapped and cheered each time a child was carried into the library. Peaceful protesters held signs that admonished the library for targeting children with such an immoral program.

Shortly after the prayerful protest began, pro-drag show advocates carrying a rainbow flag arrived. They displayed vulgar signs such as, “We’re all born naked, and the rest is drag” and “Sashay Away!” Their arguments were based on disordered feelings rather than biological reality.

I walked inside the library.

There, I saw the male performer who calls himself Amie Vanité dressed up as a woman, wearing a blue princess dress, heavy makeup and a blond wig. He spoke in a falsetto voice and his mannerism defied the laws of nature. He read four books, all of which favored the transgender and homosexual ideology, promoting the “diversity” and “tolerance” theme. He also sang and encouraged the children to clap to the tempo of his song.

I saw dozens of young children. Some infants were too young to talk or walk. Adults without children were also present to support the event. Multiple children were dressed in rainbow clothing. Some children were ushered in by same-sex couples.

The goal of the program is clear. As one drag queen involved in staging a Drag Queen Story Hour confessed: "This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation."

At the Lansdale Public Library near Philadelphia, Penn., a drag queen by the telling name of Annie Christ (anti-Christ) read to children on Feb. 2.

How far with this revolt against God go?

According to the Drag Queen Story Hour web site, "In spaces like this [the library], kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real."

What I witnessed inside the library that day was heartbreaking: Little children being exposed to sin. Adults forcing their sinful lifestyle on children. Library staff celebrating and facilitating the corruption of minors.

Enough is enough!

> Please sign your protest to the American Library Association against the “Drag Queen Story Hour.”
