The Truth about the cancelled 'Blessing for All' Ceremony in Cologne

The Truth about the cancelled 'Blessing for All' Ceremony in Cologne


The much-publicized Blessing Ceremony "You‘ ll never walk alone" - “for all ” (LGBT+, remarried divorcees, etc.), which was to take place yesterday, October 1, for the second time in Cologne, Germany, was canceled at the last minute.

The organizers claimed “bad weather”, although the weather forecasts were within the expected range for this time of year.

Instead of rescheduling, they decided to cancel the event altogether, replacing it with... the launch of a video (!!!) as an alternative to the public event.

Despite the repetition of the slogan ‘Out in Church’, the real reason for the cancellation was certainly the lack of interest from even the most radical militants of the German Synodal Path, which led the organizers to go ‘In Church’, limiting themselves to an unannounced ceremony in an emptied (and Protestant) chapel.

Even more humiliating: The ‘blessing ceremony’ was conducted by ‘priestesses’ and reduced to a single ‘couple’. The only one they could find...

The "ceremony" was broadcast on the channel of the ‘Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan’ (Cologne Youth Choir), however, the images revealed a reality quite different from what the name suggested: The participants, completely isolated even from their own militancy, appeared to have an average age of around 50.

No priest daring to perform the ‘blessings’, with a single 'couple' and an audience of elderly people, that's what's left of all last year's media show.

They ended up walking alone... and outdated!

What happened to the ‘progressive youth’?

Youll never walk alone Segnungsgottesdienst am 1 Oktober 2024 in Köln 000026

Youtube channel Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan

Youll never walk alone Segnungsgottesdienst am 1 Oktober 2024 in Köln 000105

Youtube channel Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan

Part of the answer lies in the opposition to the event.

Just like last year in opposition to these "blessings" but also in front of all the meetings of the Synodal sect, TFP Student Action young volunteers stood firm and organized the Public Rosary of Reparation in the same place where this sacrilegious ceremony was planned.


At the end of March 2023, Father Herbert Ullmann held a ‘blessing’ ceremony for ‘all couples who love each other’, with same-sex couples in attendance, as reported by the Rheinische Post. The "liturgical ceremony" even included a rainbow flag on the altar. The priest was warned by Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Cologne, who reaffirmed that such blessings are strictly forbidden by the Catholic Church.

However, this reprimand drew criticism from within Germany, with bishops from dioceses such as Münster, Aachen, and Essen declaring that they would not impose sanctions on blessings by same-sex couples in their regions. The chaos intensified when the German Synodal Way voted in favor of texts that implement these blessings, in a clear departure from the Catholic Doctrine.

Taking advantage of the momentum around the issue, Father Wolfgang Rothe - a well-known promoter of homosexual sin - and pro-LGBT groups from all over Germany organized a “blessing ceremony for all couples in love”, held in front of Cologne Cathedral on September 20. The event was an act of open revolt against the local cardinal, Rainer Maria Woelki and the Church's doctrine on marriage and the abomination of homosexual sin.

Despite the boldness of the organizers, around five hundred Catholics from the region mobilized to oppose this attack on the Faith.

Volunteers from TFP Student Action were also present at the scene, positioning themselves between the Cathedral and the rainbow mob, praying and making their voices heard in defense of the Holy Church.

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A Victory for the Faith

This year, the event was planned again, this time co-organized by Marianne Arndt and Ulrike Platzhoff, together with the same Father Ullmann.

However, despite all the support from the media and Church institutions in Germany, the ceremony didn't find the same momentum as the previous year and collapsed at the last minute.

The organization opted to cancel the event, attributing the decision to “bad weather” - on a day with a beautiful sunset.

That sunset crowned the act of reparation - which then took on the character of thanksgiving - organized by the TFP Student Action volunteers, who, even after the cancellation, remained steadfast in defending the Faith.

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What to do now?

Faced with this situation, what should our attitude be? We must carry on! We need to keep going, sounding the alarm and denouncing all the errors of the Synodal Sect and its allies.

We need to bear public witness to the Catholic faith and the Church in Germany. We can't retreat into the private sphere or hide because if we do, this synodal revolution will take hold.

We therefore call on all true Catholics to resist with all the legal means at our disposal.

We cannot allow ourselves to be shaken by discouragement or uncertainty in the face of the internal revolution we are witnessing in the Church.

The Church has already faced other winds and storms and has always come out stronger. The Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Perennial Magisterium of the Church confirm this position.

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