Tackling the Streets against Abortion in Nijmegen: Abortion Advocate brings Hitler Salute

This is one of the most disgraceful displays of the abortion movement to date.

Tackling the Streets against Abortion in Nijmegen: Abortion Advocate brings Hitler Salute

During TFP Student Action Europe's pro-life action in Nijmegen, we faced both support and fierce resistance.

Vivid and Fruitful Debates with Students

We began our campaign on the university campus. As we finished praying, we suddenly saw groups of students streaming out from the campus building. Some of them, clearly on the left, reacted furiously when they heard the first slogans through our megaphone. Yet there were also some young students who approached us with interest. One of them immediately recognized us and exclaimed: ‘That's the TFP!’ This young man, who had been baptized a few months ago, expressed his admiration for our pro-life activism and indicated that he also wants to work for a Christian society.

Vulgar and Crude

It was particularly encouraging to see that our work found resonance with someone who had so recently embraced the faith. Unfortunately, the same is not true for everyone. Other students, were eager to engage in debate. Some of them use the familiar one-liners from US pro-abortion rhetoric. When we calmly explain our views, many leave thoughtful while others walk away angrily or start shouting vulgarities.

Support from Passers-by

From the campus, we went to the center, at the St Peter Canisius Church. There we found a remarkable number of people who expressed their support for our action, besides others who disagreed politely, and yet others who, lacking arguments, insult. Some indicate that they already know us from previous actions. They think it is important that we continue to proclaim our message in the public domain. A few people even express their satisfaction that fewer rainbow flags and masked Antifas can be seen on the streets, lately. According to them, this makes the public space more peaceful and orderly.

Passerby encourages Bystanders to listen to Us

A striking encounter took place with an Indonesian man. He spoke to us at length about the role of religion and the need to build a society based on the Ten Commandments. He was surprised that there are so few organizations dedicated to promoting these values. He stayed in conversation with us for more than half an hour. His genuine interest even inspired him to address part of the public and talk to them about our views.

Now is the moment to take a stand. Join us, become a champion of moral values, and together we can protect the family, defend life, and restore Christian culture across Europe.


Three young men were drawn to the bagpipe music. It is a potent and attractive tool. They admired how we stand up for the weak in society, especially unborn children. They also found it refreshing to hear a courageous yet peaceful defense of the faith. It inspired them to think more deeply about their role as men in society.


The music of the bagpipes resonates combativeness and urges us to make sacrifices for our cause.

Incidents and Provocations

We knew in advance that not all reactions would be so positive. In Market Square, a middle-aged man started shouting loudly about ‘self-determination’. He supposedly cited the Constitution to support his point. After we explained to him that unborn children also have a right to life, he reacted aggressively and started scolding us.

Abortion Advocate Brings Hitler Salute

The man even went so far as to give the Hitler salute several times, shouting ‘Sieg Heil’ as well as other offensive terms. Nevertheless, this unacceptable gesture does fit well with his views on abortion. The Nazis viewed abortion as an effective means of eradicating unwanted races, as did Margaret Sanger, founder of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. The police eventually had to intervene to calm him down, but even after that, he continued to harass us. Fortunately, most bystanders condemned his behavior, except for a few teenage girls who watched and cheered from a balcony.

Socialism and Nazism seem to converge in attacking innocent human life.
