Street Campaign in the Netherlands' largest abortion center: "We pray at modern Golgotha"
Pray and fight to stop the sin of abortion! This is the call of the pro-life street campaign that TFP Student Action Europe, representing dozens of sister associations across Europe, is running across the Continent.
Abortion kills children. That is the horrible reality. But a reality that can be overcome
A volunteer from Stirezo, a sister association in the Netherlands, reports:
Bloemenhove Clinic
"Today we went to the abortion center in Heemstede, the Bloemenhove clinic. A historic place when it comes to abortion in the Netherlands. This is where the first abortions were done, even when it was still punishable by law. The abortionists followed the example of communist Russia, where abortion had been allowed since 1920."
Modern Golgotha
"The Bloemenhove Clinic is one of the centers where abortions are also performed at 19 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. It is one of the most gruesome places in the Netherlands. A modern day Golgotha. Therefore, it has always been important for the pro-life movement to protest at this place of destruction. We have chosen to pray especially at this place. Here, more than anywhere else, you feel that it is a spiritual battle. That is why we resort to our most powerful weapon, prayer."
Neighbors turn against pro-lifers
"What struck us is that there are so many neighbors of the abortion center who are choosing against us. They live next to that horrible slaughterhouse and then choose to defend it instead of supporting us. There were even some who went home to get eggs to throw at us. There were also a lot of people who shouted all sorts of ugly things and raised their middle fingers. I recognized him from the recent lawsuit we filed to defend the right to vigil at abortion centers."
Abortion kills children. That is the horrible reality. But a reality that can be overcome
The Hague
"Then we headed to another place of great symbolic importance: The Hague. This is where those abortion laws were passed that have now cost so many tens of thousands of lives each year for so many years. The conversations with supporters are heartwarming and encouraging. It's only when you're out on the streets that you notice how many people are actually against abortion."

Interview with newspaper
"A journalist from a regional newspaper also came by with a photographer. We were able to give a good explanation of what we do and why. You notice that also the journalist herself was made to think. Many people have simply never heard the pro-life arguments before."
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America takes the turn to pro-life. When will Europe follow?
“Thou shalt not kill.” So reads one of God’s ten commandments. Binding and clear. You must not end the life of an innocent person. That’s what we all stand for, don’t we?
The reality is different.
With the approval of legislators and the collaboration of the medical establishment, a genocide is taking place every day. The genocide of abortion.
With sharp forceps, the abortionist cracks the baby’s skull. Piece by piece, he removes the bone from the uterus.
It is an operation that turns your stomach.
That is why the abortion lobby likes to speak in veiled language. Abortion is the ‘termination of pregnancy’. It is absurd language - as if you describe a husband murdering his wife as ‘termination of marriage’.
Abortion kills children. That is the horrible reality. But a reality that can be overcome
Be part of this Crusade for Moral Values!
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property.
Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public.
Below you will find links to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you would like more information, please contact us at info@tfpstudentactioneurope.org or click here.
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Thank you and may God bless you!
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