No to the German Schism!
Volunteers from TFP Student Action Europe, Maria 1.0 and representatives of the faithful from all over Germany were last Thursday in Frankfurt for the last session of the highly controversial "German Synod Path".
The volunteers personally delivered to the bishops copies of the manifestos that were distributed in all parishes of the dioceses of Aachen and Limburg and samples of the book recently published by the German TFP "Der deutsche Synodale Weg und das Projekt einer neuen Kirche" ("The German Synodal Way
and the project of a new church").

Understanding the problem:
Because of the Synodal Way, the Catholic Church in Germany is on the verge of schism.
Some strive for the establishment of a national church in Germany and try to create facts: In several dioceses there, such as Aachen and Limburg, with the explicit support of their respective bishops, parishes are offering pseudo-blessings to sodomite "couples”.
The offer of blessings, blessing celebrations and blessing services by parishes is a schismatic and heretical act. Moreover, it is an act of grave disobedience to Rome and the Catholic Magisterium.
Furthermore, blessing ceremonies contradict the Catholic understanding of marriage.
That is why volunteers from TFP Student Action have decided to go around all the parishes in the dioceses of Aachen and Limburg distributing manifestos addressed to the respective bishops, warning the faithful about these practices and asking the bishops for appropriate measures.
Despite the opposition of some priests and lay people more directly involved in the controversial "German Synodal Way", the support and reception from the vast majority of the faithful in both dioceses was enthusiastic.

Be part of this Crusade for Moral Values!
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property.
Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public.
Below you will find links to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected] or click here.
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Thank you and may God bless you!
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