New Year Celebrations: Strengthening the Soul for Combat
From the 27th to 2nd January, young men from Ireland, Holland, Poland and Slovakia attended a series of conference at Villa Notre-Dame de la Clairière, the French TFP’s centre in Lorraine.
The talks discussed in depth how a Catholic can effectively fight the Revolution today. They covered the insufficiencies of the Benedict Option, the physiological make-up of 21st century man, and how, as Catholics, we are called to make the Reign Our Lady promised at Fatima a reality.
In addition to the talks, mock debates were staged, helping us to formulate clear arguments for the Catholic cause. We even managed to do a pilgrimage to "Our Lady of the Clearing", the same shrine which gives its name to the TFP centre.
Every evening, we gathered to sing Christmas carols. They sang Silent Night, We Three Kings but also lesser-known ones from the countries the participants were from.
As the old year gave way to the new, we all gathered in the chapel to renew our consecration to Our Lady. We also sang the Te Deum, an ancient prayer always sung after a Catholic victory.
The talks strengthened the doctrinal foundations of that fight, giving a note of seriousness to the gathering.
The Christmas carols, the excellent food and animated conversations helped forge new friendships and strengthen old ones. The New Year celebrations was an opportunity for us to reinvigorate our desire to fight for Holy Mother Church and for Christendom.